Cake-stop on Winter Hill (Photo: Unknown)  

Cake-stop on Winter Hill (Unknown)
Hiding behind a wall (Unknown)
Andrew has shrunk! (Unknown)
Sit down and stop barking! (Unknown)
Wind break on Great Hill (Unknown)
Our geologist say's it's Witherite (Unknown)
Another geology lesson (Unknown)
And this rock is... (Unknown)

Rivington Walk

Members Present: Alan Jones, John Dobson, Andy Croughton, Dave Wylie, Chris Thicket, Margaret Williams, Frank Williams, Virginia Castick, Lester Payne, lain McCallum, Keith Williams, Roger Dyke, Phil Ramsbottom

Guests: Christine Jones, John Evans, Vanessa Addison, ? Dobson, Paul ?


I was quite pleased with the turnout of 14 as we set off at the appointed hour. Suddenly two more cars screeched to a halt to spill out another 4 victims in desperate search of a bit of real Lancashire mud. Iain insists that we are a club of pals so I felt obliged to wait instead of sprinting off.

Within twenty minutes I had managed to reduce the party of 18 to 6 and that is counting the two dogs, so my planned lecture on Lord Levers gardens will have to wait for another day (you'll be sorry - I may know a bit more by then).

The whole party managed to regroup on top of Rivington Pike and then instantly split up again as the die-hard bogtrotters spotted some marsh grass, the rest of us opted for a circuitous (and dry) route to the top of Winter Hill. The time was just 11, even thought Derek was not with us we settled down to a quick snack.

From here we descended to Belmont with the only mishap being a very stylish slalom from Margaret. The pace picked up as we sped along the track above the drained Belmont Reservoir probably because the selected lunch spot was some distance away.

It is my solemn duty to report a most serious event which occurred as lunch was being taken: There was a definite attempt to curry favour with the members by a prospective member who blatantly passed round a home made cake - rumour has it that she had been told that this was a condition of membership. These things must be encouraged.

The way back passed over Great Hill, just after the top Keith Williams took over and gave an impromptu and informative Geology lecture, thanks Keith.

The cricket pavilion at White Coppice provided the afternoon tea before we enjoyed the easy paths back along the various reservoirs.

Phil Ramsbottom
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