Speech from Jim (Photo: Sheena Hendrie)  

Celebratory Feast (Sheena Hendrie)
Speech from Jim (Sheena Hendrie)
Bop till you drop (Alan Wylie)
River crossing (Alan Wylie)
River crossing (Alan Wylie)
One of the fatalities (Alan Wylie)
Cloggy Buggy?! (Alan Wylie)
Alan, Kevin, Graham, Scott, Al, Dave, Julie and Jenny (Alan Wylie)
Julie and Misha bopping (Jenny Varley)
Misha and Alan bopping (Jenny Varley)
Andrew chilling out (Jenny Varley)

Ty - Powder Completion party

Members: Andy Croughton, Al Metelko, Sabina Cosulich, Duncan Lee, Kevin Anderson, Alan Barber, Bob Haynes, Sheena Hendrie, John Castick, Virginia Castick, Lester Payne, Colin Maddison, Frank Williams, Margaret Williams, Dave Dillon, Peter Schofield, Peter Walker, Roger Dyke, Scott Sadler, Jenny Varley, Peter Johnson, Joe Flynn, Jim Gregson, Sandy Gregson, Alan Wylie, Bob Anderson, Dave Wylie, Steve Taylor, Alan (L) Jones.

Guests: Roisin Maddison, Judy Flynn, Mrs Taylor plus 2 children, Julie O'Regan, Graham, 4 Cezchs.


The committee, in its infinite wisdom, decided that it was time for yet another party; so the idea that all the main conversion work on the hut had been completed seemed a good excuse.

No-one on the committee was prepared to cook hence the biggest take-away ever from Petes Eats was organised. Past Hut Wardens and other notables were sent personal invitations and everyone else was welcome. The weather wasn't inspiring but several parties set off over Yr Aran on Saturday and some continued over Snowdon. Pete Johnson found the going much tougher than his local (southern) hills, but made it round eventually.

After our feast on Saturday night some members saw slides of the early work on the hut. It was amazing to see just how much our members had achieved and how fashions had changed. Working flares and big hairdos were IN.

A separate team of enthusiasts set off from the hut for secret trials of their Cloggy Buggies. Undercover of darkness several test runs were accomplished and further modifications planned. The evening ended with a traditional Wavey Disco in the lounge.

On Sunday a large group set off for a walk from Capel Curig into the forests and over to the Mynedd hut and back. The drizzle petered out to leave a reasonable day.

Virginia Castick

Virginia Castick
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