Bernard Wright/Alan McGeary

We have had news of the death on 19th December of Bernard Wright (age 86) from his four children. Bernard was a former member of the KMC but there are few current members who will remember him. His late wife, Dorothy, was much more active in the Club and was at one time a Vice-President. The Wrights also known as members of the Merseyside Ski Club. Dorothy and Bernard were also regular attenders at concerts of the Liverpool Mozart Orchestra.

[Information from Alan (L) Jones].


Sad news from Canada. Former member Alan McGeary(1958-1972) died of lung failure in December; he had been ill for some time. Alan was a very active member during his time with the KMC, bringing along quite a few recruits, including his Wythenshawe pals Roach, Scholefield and Walker, all still members today 50 years later. A keen rock climber, neat and agile, he was happy to look after newcomers, especially on his favourite routes such as Fairy Steps/Stanage, Monkey Puzzle /Shining Clough, Ardus and Donkeys Ears/Shepherds Crag.I was taken up Wright Route/Roaches-in thick snow; Stan Roach up Direct Route/Glyder Fach in the rain! He loved Skye where led Cioch Direct and Crack of Doom-scene of the recent accident described by Sean Kelly in the newsletter.

Motorcycles were the popular mode of transport in the club and McGeary was an ace, famous for his roadside rescue repairs, no need for the AA! His last visits to the club were the 60th dinner in Llanberis and the meet at the Nags Head Edale to celebrate the founding of the KMC.We walked up Grinsbrook on to Kinder, his breathing betraying the effects of many years heavy smoking. This was our last meeting, he wrote to say how much he had enjoyed his trip down memory lane and how lucky he was to have met so many great people in the KMC.

[information from Peter Walker].

Alan McGeary (Stan Roach)

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