Joining the Club

Newcomers are welcome to join our meets once registered as a 'Prospective'. This gives you a chance to see if you think the club is for you, and that the meets we run are what you are looking for. Once registered as a prospective member you can come to a few meets before deciding if you want to apply for associate membership.
As a Prospective member, you will receive 3 months of free BMC Third Party Liability Insurance.

Prospective members are not counted as KMC members, it is only be joining the club as an 'associate member' that you become a club member.

We don't do instruction, tuition or coaching. If you're a complete beginner, take a short course to get the basics in whichever discipline you're interested in. To attend our climbing meets, you should own you own basic kit - harness, helmet, rock shoes etc and at the very least be able to tie in and belay competently.

How this works:

Register online, in advance of your first meet, as a Prospective.



Becoming a Member of KMC

If you're planning to attend our meets regularly and become part of the club, then we encourage you to become a KMC member. KMC membership gives you access to lots of great things:

✔ Become part of the KMC community of 190+ members

✔ Support and advice from experienced and committed members

✔ Access to our incredible club hut in Wales

✔ Access to all KMC club meets for which you have the requisite skillset - including member-only meets

✔ WhatsApp groups - find a climbing partner

✔ BMC discounts

✔ Exclusive KMC Club Newsletter

✔ Club Annual Handbook

✔ Being part of an historic club established in 1944


We have two member levels: Associate & Full, for those over 18 years of age:

Associate Member Requirements:

  • Attend 4 meets within a rolling six-month period.
  • Gain signatures from 3 full members to support your application.

  • Complete your application form which can mostly or completely be done online, to avoid the need for printing and posting.

  • Send your completed form to a committee member.

  • If you are voted in at our committee meeting you will need to pay your annual subscription to activate your membership.

Full Member Requirements:

  • Be an Associate member for a minimum period of six months.

  • Expectation that you will be active at club meets during that time.


If you like the sound of this, then we look forward to seeing you at one of our meets soon.


Register as a Prospective to attend a KMC meet

Once you register, a committee member will be in touch with a few questions. Our membership team are on hand to advise you on your own individual pathway to membership.


KMC Member Subscription: £40.00
Prospective BMC Insurance*: £40.00

* - Upgrade to KMC Member before the October at no extra cost.

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Copyright © 2025 Karabiner Mountaineering Club

Karabiner Mountaineering Club