Download New (Associate) Member Application Form

Points to Note:
  • This is not an online application form.
  • No new information entered at this stage is stored or used by the club. However by filling in as much detail in the forms below, before downloading, will produce a more readable application form.
  • Download and Print your form on a A4 printer.
  • Fill in the remaining sections.
  • A membership fee of £40.00 will be required by BACS or cheque to complete your application, this will be requested if your application is approved.
  • Pass/send your completed application form (and cheque, if you wish to pay by cheque) to the Club Secretary
  • If you have any problems, please contact the club.

Personal Details:

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Mobile Phone:
Work Phone:

Home Address:

Address 1:
Address 2:
Post Town:
Post Code:
Home Telephone:

Additional Info - Climbing, Mountaineering and Hill Walking experience:

A Couple of extracts from the Clubs Constitution:



Membership of the Club shall be open to members of the whole community aged 18 years and over without discrimination.

The Club may refuse membership or expel from membership only for good or sufficient cause, such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against such a decision may be made to the Club’s members, in which case it will be placed on the agenda of the next General Meeting, or a separate appeals committee appointed for such purpose by the Honorary Members, and decided by a majority vote.

  1. There shall be three grades of membership: Full, Honorary and Associate Membership. At no time shall the number of Associate Members exceed the number of Full Members.
  2. Applicants must:-
  1. have climbed or walked with members of the Club and should have attended at least 4 official Outdoor Meets within 6 months,
  2. be proposed by 3 Full Members,
  3. state on an official Application Form (obtainable from the Secretary) details and dates of their mountaineering experience.
  1. All applicants will, on election by the Committee by a simple majority, be admitted to the status of Associate Member. After a period of not less than 6 months, an Associate Member may apply to become a Full Member.
  2. Upon such application the Committee will look for evidence that the Associate Member has supported the aims and activities of the Club, has tried to build up his or her mountaineering experience, and is competent. Admission to Full Membership shall be at the sole discretion of the Committee, which may stipulate a term of extension of Associate Membership.
  3. Associate Members shall not have the power to vote at any General Meeting save that they shall be entitled to nominate and decide upon the Associate Members Representative in accordance with Rule 7, and may propose motions for the AGM. Associate Members are expected to attain Full Membership within 3 years.
  4. The Committee shall have the power to elect as an Honorary Member any person who has rendered eminent service to the cause of mountaineering or assistance to the Club. Honorary Members shall pay no subscription but shall in all other respects rank as Full Members except where the Constitution provides otherwise.



The annual subscriptions for the various classes of membership shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting and published in the handbook. Subscriptions for each club year, which shall run from 1st January to 31st December, shall be paid to the Treasurer on or before 1st January. The subscription paid by members elected on or after 1st October of any club year shall cover the following club year. Every member whose subscription is three months in arrears shall ipso facto cease to be a member of the club, but may be reinstated at the Committee's discretion on payment of all arrears. The financial year begins, for the purpose of accounts, on 1st October and ends on 30th September.

Privacy Notice:

Here at The Karabiner Mountaineering Club we take the privacy of our members data seriously and will only use your personal information for club administration purposes and for communicating with you about your membership. Only the Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, Handbook Editor and Webmaster will be able to access your details. More information about how we look after your data can be found at

As a BMC affiliated club we will provide your name, contact details and date of birth to the BMC to administer your membership of the BMC including your combined liability insurance cover. The BMC will use your data to communicate with you about your membership. The BMC will contact you to invite you to create a ‘Member Profile’ which, amongst other things, allows you to set and amend your privacy settings. More information about how the BMC uses data can be found at

We will never share or sell your data without your prior permission.

I have read and agree with the above statements.

Privacy Notice

Copyright © 2025 Karabiner Mountaineering Club

Karabiner Mountaineering Club