Greenland Expedition 2005.

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Routes climbed on the Expedition.

Route Name Grade Length Climbers Where Date
Arête "B" route.
(Central Arête of 3 main features).
HVS/E1 5a/A0,5a/b,4c,5b,4a (1/3 of spur only) 260m CP, DB North face Arête complex of Twin Shooter. 23/7
Dan's route E1 4c,5b,5a 130m DOB, DB S Face Camp Hill 24/7
Tornarssuk North ridge and East Couloir. PD+ (25m VD [very dirty]) 500m (from snow shoulder) DOB, DB Tornarssuk 1230m 25/7
Twin Shooter West ridge. (1020m peak reached). PD (steps of 4a) 1000m/2km CP, DB Ridge line S of base 27/7
Twin Shooter East ridge via South Park Col PD? ~300m/1km from col DOB, DW Ridge line SE of 2nd lake 30/7
Blind Pew. (Pinnacle skirted in attempts on 1388m) VS scrambling - 10 pitches to 5a ( 5a pitch - HVS?). ~450m vertical. CP, DB Valhalla NW spur 30/7 3/8
We're going to Mars E1 5b 30m CP, DOB Crag above base camp tarn 6/8
Un-named HS 30m DOB, CP Crag above base camp tarn 6/8
Valhalla (1388m) via SE couloir. F+ scrambling. 680m vertical DB Vallhalla SE side 7/8
Pt1090 SW Spur & Pyramid Peak PD+ 5b boulder problem for Pyramid 1000m/2.5 km DOB, DB 1090 Massif 8/8

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