Annual Dinner
Members: Bob Anderson, Christine Beeston, Ken Beetham, Sue & Heather Brooke, Midge & John Castick, Trish Cranston, Andrew Croughton, Dave Dillon, John Dobson, Roger Dyke, Joe Flynn, Mark Garrod, Kate Harvey, Michelle Harvie, Pat Holt, Pete Hughes, Bob Kelly, Sean Kelly, Peter Johnson, Alan H Jones, Alan L Jones, Pete Leeson, Neville McMillan, Iain McCallum, Al Metelko, Derek Seddon, Dave Shotton, Brian Street, Jim Symon, Chris Thickett, Pete Walker, Margaret & Frank Williams (35)
Guests: Ang Ball, Max Driscoll, Simon Garrod, Richard Holt, Christine Jones, Pam McCallum, Will Sim, Sean’s friend (8).
An excellent turn-out for this year’s annual dinner, with us managing to overfill the hotel on the night. It was especially pleasing to see Pat and Richard, Derek and Ken on good form. Chris Thickett, as club speaker, gave us a couple of odes, along with an extremely amusing comparison of well-known phrases in Chinese characters and pictorial English, rolling pins included. Our guest speaker, Will Sim, who was the youngest person in the room, gave an unassuming and entertaining insight into his world of extremely serious mountaineering, and of one of his plans for next year (Changabang by a new route). Thanks to everyone who donated prizes and also gave generously for their tickets; we raised £147.50 for Wasdale MRT, who asked us to “Please pass on our thanks and best wishes to all your members. We really do appreciate their support.”
Daytime activities were a bit limited by gale force winds and rain on Saturday, and just the winds on Sunday, but Dave D and Jim somehow “sailed” up Sharp Edge on Saturday, while Andrew, Brian, Sue, Pete and Peter looked at Haystacks (or where it should have been), and then walked round Buttermere. A number of parties ventured out onto Grisedale Pike or Crag Hill on Sunday, to meet both half-way down and then back in the hotel for afternoon tea.
Mark Garrod