Trish and Dave (Photo: Andrew Croughton)  

Trish and Dave (Andrew Croughton)
Harvey (Andrew Croughton)
Dave Bish on Tody's Wall (Andrew Croughton)
Dave Bish on Tody's Wall (Andrew Croughton)
Dave Bish on Tody's Wall (Andrew Croughton)
Neville Bouldering (Roger Dyke)

Hot Pot & Slide competition

Hot Pot Bimble: Iain MacCallum, Frank Wiliams, Margaret Williams (early starters, or at least not late!); Neville MacMillan, Roger Dyke, John Castick (breakaway group on a 'short' walk); Trish Cranston, Andrew Croughton, Brian Street, Katie Horgan (meet leader), Kirsten Mundt, Kasia Hoyle, Phil Ramsbottom, Dave Wylie, Harvey.

Climbing Crew: David Bish, Lester Payne, Joe Flynn, James Hoyle, Al Metelko, Richard Yorke, Mark Ashley.


Apologies to any climbers that I've missed.

This was a traditional KMC meet start with the meet leader arriving half an hour late to find at least three of the party had headed off rather than brave the cool easterlies blasting over the moors and along the road! Two of the party (messrs Dyke and MacMilan) opted for a shorter walk rather than the epic they suspected (little did they know). So the main crew headed off to the track past White Lodge on the Eastern Moors between Froggatt and Higger Tor. We then turned down onto the Longshaw estate to enjoy not having paid for the National Trust car park or the tearoom (although the loos were pretty useful). Bravely on then through Padley Gorge and down to Grindleford Café. 'Lo! The breakaway group were found picnicking (well, tea drinking, they weren't so foolhardy as to eat their own food at Grindleford Fortress). In we all trooped for tea and cake - at which point the Cranston crumbly chocolate stuff appeared. What risks we take in the hills! It was safely stowed when the sharp eyed Mr Ramsbottom spied the chef on the lookout. The dog slavered and may have successfully partaken, he certainly showered us all nicely with a deft shake of the head! Refuelled after our arduous descent into the valley, we traipsed through Grindleford village to join the path through Froggatt woods where a pleasant picnic spot by a stream was enjoyed - even by the breakaways who had picnicked once already. Then along to Curbar village - Frank and Margaret opting for a short cut back up to the pub. Having gained three, I had now lost two.

The remainder continued to the car park at the top of Curbar Gap, in the hope of a non-existant ice-cream van. No rations but on we soldiered following the line of Froggatt, in more hope of finding some other KMCers. This time the hope was not in vain, we found them waiting to ascend Tody's Wall. Cap'n Bish was urged upwards by the promise of Hersheys Peanut cups... Apparently the climbing crew did 9 routes with Trish and Kasia joining in at the end of the day. Rob Clarke made an appearance, too and was bouldering about. As for the short walkers, I think they went further than we did and got back first! On heading back to the pub, I was suddenly down to three, the remainder of the group having been lost along the way. So a successful Hot Pot walk!

Katie Horgan
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