Sun 11th Apr, 1999
Presidents Hotpot
Present: 35 assorted members and guests
A reduced number on previous years (over 60 in 1998) sat down for the Hot Pot at the Swan Hotel, New Mills. The Uptons retired this year so we were greeted (!) by new hosts. The meal and the slide show were held downstairs in the function room which meant a bit of a quick table clearing operation was needed after we'd finished eating.
I feel it only fair to report there were several grumblings about the food; mainly that there wasn't enough. Seconds of the hot pot or sweets was not an option and a few people said they dived into the fridge as soon as they got home! It also appeared to be pot luck as to which sweet you got. Many ran out before the end and a lot of people were left with Hobson's choice. Not an impressive start if they'd like to keep our business in future years.
On to the slide show. Again, as with the meal, numbers were down. The main reason for this, I feel, was that it was the weekend after Easter and a significant number of people were either away on a trip or had been away the week before and so hadn't sorted out slides in time. Unfortunately the initial slot we wanted for the Hot Pot was unavailable and we had to have this particular weekend. With better planning, this event won't be held so close to Easter again.
Colin Maddison was the judge for this year's competition and in my opinion struck the right balance between knowing what made a good climbing/mountain photograph and not being over critical on technical matters. His chosen winners were;
- Mountain Landscape: Duncan Lee
- Rock Action: Chris Williamson
- Mountain Action: Duncan Lee
- Human Interest: Andrew Croughton.
Congratulations to all the above and my thanks to Colin for being the judge.
Finally, I hope that next year's Hot Pot will be better attended (for the reasons I've stated above) and that the food will be more plentiful. To that end, if anyone has any suggestions for alternative venues, please pass them on to the Committee. Also with the number of people away on trips it should mean there are plenty of slides next time (get the hint?).
Rick Kruze
Meet Promo:
The Hot Pot and Slide show is at the Swan Hotel on Buxton Road (A6), New Mills. The doors are open at 6pm and we will be sitting down to eat at 7pm. The cost is £5 for the meal and I need to know numbers at least a week before. Also when booking could you indicate if you want a vegetarian meal.
The Slide Show will follow so please get your slides in early (if possible). The categories are;
- Mountain Landscape,
- Rock Climbing Action,
- Human Interest and
- Mountaineering Action.
The slides should have been taken during the last year with people submitting a maximum of 3 slides in each category. Please mark all you slides with your name and the category in which you are entering.
This year, after the official slide show we'll be having an informal showine. There'll be a maximum of 15 slides per person or 15 minutes to display them, whichever is the shorter. So bring along some holiday snaps and we'll make our own entertainment.
Booking for the Hot Pot to me at the pub or at my address in the handbook.
P.S. Will all trophy holders please bring along their silverware so that we can present it to the new winners.
Rick Kruze