Sun 17th Nov, 2002

Local Walk

Present: John and Virginia Castick, Roger Dyke, Mike Graves, David Green (G)Joan Green (G), Martin Heaton, Sheena Hendrie, Iain McCallum, Neville McMillan, Lester Payne, Alan Peck, Derek Seddon, Gareth Snell,(G) Brian Taylor, Frank and Margaret Williams, Dave Wylie,Peter Walker. G=guests.


It wasn't raining and it managed to not quite rain all day, what good luck! It had poured down on my last recce, but underfoot was plenty of evidence of recent downpours. The start from Tegg's Nose provided opportunities for industrial archaeology or a quick route on the quarry slab forSheena, Neville, Roger, and Dave, before we took to the Gritstone Trail towards Croker Hill .We turned off at the Hanging Gate Inn where we managed to leave quite an impression - someone walked right through the newly laid, freshly smoothed cement path! Apologies were offered and accepted only for a latecomer to repeat the performance! The guilty shall remain anonymous. The path up to Oakenclough had turned into a streambed but dry land at the top provided a good spot for refreshments with a view. On, now to Wildboarclough and the Crag Inn,most of us walked past but a few nipped in for a drink or the loo. Now for our highest point of the day, The Cheshire Matterhorn, the lovely little top of Shutlingsloe,justly popular and a great spot for lunch and a chance to regroup. .Martin was required for nappy duty so accompanied by Roger made straight for Tegg's Nose.We joined the procession down to Macclesfield Forest, thence to the paths to Toothill, Forest Chapel and the start of the homewards track over Whitehills. Once over the hill people took their pick of the various finishes but all arrived back at Tegg's Nose with daylight to spare. No tea,the café was closed but in the spirit of this very sociable meet we gathered round the viewpoint for some typical KMC banter before dispersing for home. Welcome to Gareth Snell on his first meet, I hope we haven't put him off.

Peter Walker

Meet Promo:

A short winter walk (10/12 miles) suitable for the elderly, unfit, infirm - or all three!



Teggs Nose Country Park Ref. 950734, White Peak area map, 9:30 a.m. Teggs Nose C.P is signposted from the Macc/Buxton road just out of Macclesfield. Meet in the pay and display car park.



Follow the Gritstone Trail through the quarries, over Wards Knob, down to the reservoirs and field paths south before turning off for the Hanging Gate Inn and the path along Oakenclough to Greenway Bridge. Follow the lower slopes of Mount Pleasant to the Cragg Inn, Wildboarclough. Over Shutlingsloe to Macclesfield Forest and Forest Chapel, and a choice of routes back to Teggs Nose, easiest is the track over Whitehills to Walker Barn And the Setter Dog, wettest is through the Macc. Forest, steepest is via either Five Ashes or Clough House, take your pick!

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