Sun 22nd Feb, 2009
Kinder Northern Edges
Members: Sheena Hendrie, Virginia Castick, Sandy Gregson, Jim Gregson, Alan Peck, David Shotton, Chris Thickett, Roger Dyke, Alan (H) Jones, Phil Ramsbottom
Guests: Katy Perreault , Angela (?), Jason Whitby
For those of us who enjoyed a frozen Kinder in near perfect condition on Jim's meet in December this was the ideal antidote - mile upon mile of soft wet peat and mud enhanced by a persistent drizzle blown into our faces as we climbed up Ashop Clough.
We were huddled down for coffee behind some rocks just after Mill Hill when Roger came up with the quote of the day "Lets face it Skippy (Alan H's dog) is the only one enjoying this".
After this it got really muddy with the peat made even softer after the recent snow as we slalomed along the edges passing the rescue team carrying a customer on a stretcher (if it was an exercise I bet there was a fight for who was going on the stretcher).
It did improve however, that is the mist lifted and the rain stopped so that by the time we had reached Fair Brook one or two faces were actually looking cheerful as we stopped for lunch.
Onward and upward we managed to stay together to Seal Stones where Virginia, Sheena, Chris and Roger opted for a shorter return down Gate Side Clough. Much to my surprise the rest chose to continue to Blackden Brook which gave us an entertaining scramble down to the old barn. Some of the party taking a direct line whilst the rest stuck with the right of way which leads to the vital footbridge via a slight diversion, (watch for the ruined sheepfold on the right).
Once at the road we were forced to go downhill to Hayridge Farm. From here there was a very definite age and fitness split in the climb back up to the cars - Alan H and the younger members of the party disappearing into the distance as the rest of us puffed along in their wake.
Back at the cars everyone (apart from Jim and Sandy of course) was plastered with peat juice but the three new faces were still smiling and claiming to have enjoyed the day - a thousand thanks for not blaming me for the weather.
Phil Ramsbottom
Meet Promo:
Please join me for a walk around the Northern side of Kinder which can also serve as a rece for the interesting part of my Marsden - Edale in June.
Meet at Birchen Clough Bridge - ref SK109915 at 9:30 for a 9:45 start.
The route will possibly vary with the weather and conditions but will be something like:
Up Ashop Clough to the top of William Clough, then follow the Northern Edges heading East to Fairbrook Naze and then on to Seal Stones. From here down Gate Side Clough back to the valley which will the lead us back to the cars.
This will be around 9.5 miles but this can be varied considerably - either longer or shorter.
Phil Ramsbottom