Wed 5th Jun, 2013

Windgather Rocks

Members: Rob Clark, Joe Flynn, Andy Stratford, Dave Wylie, James Williams, Mark Ashley, Steve Graham, Oi Ding Koy, Emily Pitts

Guests: Clare Hodgson, Helen Boothman, Elliot Brown, Graham Brown, Jane Sai, Rosie, Anisha, Kate Flynn,

Great turnout on a lovely summer evening with just enough wind to keep the worst of the midges away. Elliot Brown managed the hardest tick of the night - Portfolio at HVS 5a. Many other routes climbed by all. Mark Ashley was a little surprised when both his seconds (Jane and Ding) followed him up a Severe without helmets, chalk bags or rock shoes. And no, they weren't wearing mountaineering boots - they were barefoot!

Spells were cast in the pub by the 11 strong voting team to ensure Witches narrowly beat Ramshaw.

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