Wed 25th Nov, 2015
Stockport Awesome Walls
Members - James Williams, Colin Maddisson, Andy Stratford, Craig Marsden, Dan O’Brien, Gareth Williams
Guests – Pete Wilson, James Hall, Rob Mills, Gowry Sisuplan, Duncan Zefera, Ryan Lindfield, Clare and Matt (sorry didn’t get a surname!)
There was a fantastic turnout for this Wednesday’s wall meet. Ryan cruising up his first lead in a few months after being goaded onto the sharp-end on an improbably steep but juggy 6a. Dan worked his way gradually down the grades getting so pumped at one point that his thumb went numb… Colin, Andy and Craig competently navigated around the wall with an air of quiet confidence which may have been something to do with them borrowing Dan’s shiny new rope in exchange for Andy’s battered 5-year-old cable. A fire alarm caused the wall to be evacuated for around half-an-hour though luckily the rain held-off whilst we were outside. Dan grumbled that he was claiming success after the alarm forced him to lower off one clip from the top. Clare and Matt joined us for the first time – hopefully we have convinced them to come to some weekend meets. Duncan used the fire-alarm break to get some signatures for his membership application. James cruised his way up some very fingery 6b+ territory and then joined Gowry for some technical bridging. James, Dan and Rob decamped to the bouldering (“It’s an young man’s game” - Andy) and set about finding all the soft-touches as the forearms wilted.
Next week is MCC. Hopefully we’ll see many of you there!
Daniel O'Brien