Fri 29th Dec - Sun 31st Dec, 2023

New Years Eve - Ty Powdwr

Andy S


Climb. Eat. Drink. Party. Simple!

Arrive when you like, some members may be there from as early as the 28th, but more likely 29th. Keep an eye on the WhatsApp groups for weather related chatter and updates on plans, especially if we have a cold snap.

It’ll be a party pot-luck supper. If anyone would like to cook anything to share (especially ((but not limited to)) cake) or to contribute a climbing / club related quiz, party games session etc. then please get in touch with Mich or Andy (or just come along with it!). There may be some post dinner music related activities of various kinds planned.

Please add your name to the list if you intend to come along, all members, prospective members and guests very welcome!


Andy S

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