Sat 17th Aug - Sun 18th Aug, 2024

Ty Powdwr Wild Swim +

Michelle Harvie

Virginia Castick

Wild Swim weekend Michelle & Mark’s 30thAnniversary Ty Powdwr 17th / 18th August 2024

Midge Castick, Michelle Harvie, Mark Garrod 

It’s time for a sunny Welsh walk swim August meet. This is also a party weekend to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Mark & Michelle meeting on a KMC meet @ Stanage. Please let Michelle or Mark know if you are coming for catering and if you want to volunteer to bring a dessert. ( Home phone 0161 438 3898. 

All climbers / walkers are welcome to the hut / party this weekend – you don’t need to swim!

Mark & Michelle are aiming to provide a communal vegetarian meal for Saturday night & hopefully there will be music / dancing Saturday night.

Swim / Walk Saturday 17th August

Plans for the walk / swim will be confirmed nearer the time once we see the weather forecast.

Saturday will be the main walk. If weather is good we plan to walk to and swim in the scenic cwm directly to the west of Snowdon, which includes Llyn Nadroedd (lake of serpents),Llyn Glas (blue lake) and, lower down, Llyn Ffynnon–y –gwas. The shorter walk there can start at the Snowdon Rangerstation, keener walkers can walk from the hut, up from Llanberis to Bwlch Maesgwm, then round the back of Moel Cynghorion.

Kit list for swim / walkers 

In addition to normal walking kit & waterproofs, mermaids/ mermen will need footwear to swim in plus cossie/ budgie smugglers and any extra rubberwear you might require depending on the temperature & a towel or personal changing cubicle for drying. Don’t forget a warm jacket, woolly hat, gloves and a hot drink afterwards. Midge will have her thermometer so we know how warm the lakes are. Non swimmers are, of course, very welcome on the walk.


Attending Meets
Different meets require varying levels of experience and fitness. Please speak to the meet organiser before the meet if you are concerned about any issues with regard to the meet or your ability to participate in the activities proposed. Contact details can be found on the Contact Us page.

If you are considering coming along to a club meet, please read the following:

Participation Statement:
"I accept that mountaineering, climbing and walking are activities with a risk of personal injury or death. I am aware of and shall accept these risks and wish to participate in these activities voluntarily and shall be responsible for my own actions and involvement."

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