60th Aniversary Greenland Expedition 2004.

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Training sessions

Due to the range of experience it was decided to have a number of weekends where the team could get to know each other and also bring in a few professionals to brush up on some basics.

March 13th: Saw all 10 (English contingent) of us meeting at the hut. Climbing in pairs we all did a route on Milestone Buttress in poor conditions (hail stones), half the group continued over Tryfan for some further exercise. In the evening we went through a list of things to do, while Slough MC had their annual dinner. We dined well on the leftovers.

May 15th: Rescue Techniques on Big Walls at the hut with Dave Kenyon (or methods of pulling apart Duncan's van!).

May 22nd - 23rd: Climbing in Borrowdale.

June 5th - 6th: Wilderness First Aid Course run by Adventure Lifesigns.

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