Shining Clough
Shining Clough - August 2005
A KMC meet at Shining Clough in early August. Lots of climbing pictures, plus a few shots of the wreckage of the crashed B29 Superfortress on top of Bleaklow.
Shining Clough
Attendees: Robert Clark, Rob Allen, Kate Sparks, Andrew Croughton, Dave Dillon, Trish Cranston, Al Metelko, Kevin Anderson, Mark Ashley, Lester Payne, Julie O'Regan, Scott Sadler, Cathy Gordon, Alison ????, Dave Wylie, Ian Crook
Although the original meet leader was unable to attend, the meet led itself and a great day was had by all. I won't attempt to list all the routes that were done but notable ascents were a new route by Dave Wylie (named it yet Dave?), failure on a route by somebody who thought the route he was on was several grades easier, and a route that took so long the belayer needed to have a toilet break while the leader 'hung on'.
A good time was had later in a local drinking establishment; unfortunately food was not on the menu for me, who held back for an hour before ordering only to discover that the kitchen had closed!
Ian Crook