Andy, Harrison Stickle SW face (Photo: Phil Dawson)  

Lewis on SW Face Harrison Stickle (Phil Dawson)
Andy, Harrison Stickle SW face (Phil Dawson)
Andy and Lloyd Entwistle on P1 Corvus (Max Biden)

80th anniversary Joint KMC-FRCC Lakes Hut to Hut

FRCC – KMC 80th anniversary Joint Hut 2 Hut meet.

Joint KMC / FRCC members: Andy Stratford, Jim Gregson, Sandy Gregson

KMC Members: Jo Stratford, Lewis Stonehouse and Caroline Gay (also an FRCC aspirant member).  KMC prospective members: Phil Dawson and Luke Cullum (also an FRCC aspirant member).

FRCC members: Brenda Fullard (Joint meet leader), Stephen Barrett, Les Meer, Bernie Bradbury, Michelle Bradbury, Max Biden and FRCC aspirant members; Lloyd Entwistle, Amy Barrett.

The KMC was founded in 1944, eighty years ago, and is considered one of the longer-established clubs in the UK. Many years ago, the KMC became a kindred club of the FRCC and this meet was to celebrate that relationship and come together with walking, climbing and good food and great company.


A team of sixteen arrived with some optimism on Friday, for what was not a great forecast for the weekend ahead. Max and Lewis made the most of the climbing on dry rock at Shepherds on Friday with Brown Slabs Direct and Fishers Folly in the bag. After dropping off a carload of shopping for the team dinner at Rawhead, Andy and Jo bagged Birkett’s on the ridge above in the afternoon sunshine. Jim and Sandy managed a day out too on the way to Salving house. Jo stayed alone at Rawhead, ready to prep the dinner for the rest of the team’s arrival on the Saturday.


No need for an early start – the team gathered for a departure photo at 09.30, still dry at this point.

The climbing team had a sweaty approach to Raven Crag in The Coombe, hoping that Corvis wasn’t as busy as it often is, and wondering if the rain would hold off. The crag was wet in parts, especially the opening slab but we had it to ourselves. Andy teamed up with Lloyd and Lewis with Phil. Max decided to try and solo The Cocks Comb although greasy damp rock made easier options essential. We geared up quickly, mindful of the forecast and moved together swiftly with a couple of gear pass-backs, completing the route in an hour and a quarter as two pairs. As the last bits of gear went in the sacs, the rain came on and we just had time to don the waterproofs. The timing was incredible luck! A soaking ensued with heavy persistent rain, we made our way over Glaramara’s tops and Allen crags then followed the easy way past the tarns and to Rossett Gill. Team stats: 18km /1000m. 1 climb, Corvus 150m Diff.

The first walking team, Jim and Sandy split from the larger group at Strands Bridge and headed up for the three tarns - Styhead then Sprinkling and Angle tarns and a descent via Rossett Gill. The second walking team of Brenda, Les, Caroline, Luke, Steve, Amy and Michelle tackled Glaramara where the rain hit hard, then onto Allen Crags before Michelle decided to exit via Rossett Gill. The other six pushed on the rain to Esk Hause, Esk Pike and Bowfell, descending via the Band. There was a third team of one….Bernie Bradbury, fresh from a major hand operation and with his cast still on, decided he couldn’t risk a slip and further damage so opted for the three buses route – complete with bus trolley – surely a first for a hut2hut! 

Everyone was thoroughly soaked but due to Jo being there already and Bernie having made the bus traverse the drying room was chugging away and a good fire was already burning.

One of the highlights of the meet was the catering on Saturday, on arrival we had snacks served, and later a 3-course dinner all made by Jo – Homemade soup with doorstep bread, meat and veggie chilli's with spicy potato wedges, cheese, sour cream and salad and then fruit pies with proper custard and then a round of cake to finish everyone off.  Jo and Andy had also taken advance orders for drinks - so everyone had their tipple of choice to hand.


Breakfast and lunch were also provided on Sunday which meant the previous day no one needed to carry food from Salving House.

A different day altogether in bright sunshine to Harrison Stickle and the classic South West Face Scramble (options at Grade 2 and Grade 3). Andy, Lewis, Phil, Caroline and Les teamed up. Andy and Caroline on a rope for the grade 3; Lewis and Phil soloing just ahead. Les opted for the grade 2 and we all met at the top. It is superb climbing on the roughest of rock with incut holds and ledges, well worth a return to look at the other routes on the crag if the rock quality on these lines is anything to go by. We walked back over Thurnacar Knott, High Raise and dropped down at Lining Crag to Greenup Ghyll in lovely sunshine….and we were taking our boots off at Salving House the rain started! Another lucky day!

Everyone who wasn’t climbing followed a similar route to this, on the return other than Bernie who reversed his three bus-a-athon back to Borrowdale and Steve and Amy who scrambled Jacks Rake as the route up onto the Langdales.

Most folk headed home from Salving house leaving Jim, Sandy, Bernie and Michelle to a quieter hut.

It was a fantastic meet, great walking as ever in the Lakes,  excellent climbs and scrambles,  mixed weather, amazing food, great company and lots of good craic.

Thank you to all who came and, especially to Jo, without whom the meet would have been a lot tougher!


Andy Stratford
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