Caroline on Embankment 2 (Photo: Andy Stratford)  

Gowry and Caroline at the top of The Scoop (Rory Marsden)
Jim belaying Caroline up Embankment 2 (Rory Marsden)
Caroline on Embankment 2 (Andy Stratford)
Andy jamming up Embankment 2 (Rory Marsden)
Jacob layback on Embankment 2 (Rory Marsden)

Evening Meet: Millstone Edge

Members: Andy Stratford, Jim Symon, Gowry Sisupalan

Prospective members: Rory Marsden, Caroline Gay, Jacob Torley, Steve Torley

Millstone always feels like a tough and imposing venue and this warm but windy evening was no exception. Andy opened the evening with pitch 1 of Covent Garden (VS) – both Jim and Andy declining to climb P2 – the exposed and poorly protected arete. As they arrived back at the crag base Gowry and Caroline had just arrived and opted for a trip to the garden centre on The Scoop, a starred Diff which is in need of a little traffic! Jim blasted up The Mall (VS 4c) followed by Andy.

As Rory had arrived with Rhubarb (yes, the dog!) he opted for photography rather than climbing so there are some fine shots of most of the team having a crack at Embankment Route 2 (VS 4c) led with a relatively minimal amount of grunting from Jim. Caroline gamely followed, laybacking almost all the way, followed by Andy, then father and son team Jacob and Steve Torley.

Gowry and Caroline then headed round to Hells Bells buttress bay for a couple of easier routes, whilst Andy followed the polish on ‘The Great Slab (HS 4b), then the excellent upper section. Jacob followed in fine style, then Jim. Steve had an interesting time balancing on the slab, finding the polish in all the right places.

A lovely evening, midge free!



Andy Stratford
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