Sun 26th Nov, 2000

Activity Day - Little Hayfield

Members: Dave Dillon, Andy Croughton, Jim and Judith Symon, Alan (L) Jones, Roger Dyke, Iain McCallum, Rich Johnson, Ken Beetham.

Guest: Nick (did not catch his surname but he had read about the meet on the KMC web site)


Well - although the meet leader herself was only well enough to lead the second activity of the day (tea and home made cakes by the fire) I'm pleased to say her second in command, Rich, led a finr walk heading towards Kinder Downfall.

The wet weather actually improved the quality of this meet as many photos were taken of the Downfall in full (ie upward) flow from a variety of angles and approaches.

Many thanks to Roger for his photos which appeared on the web site the very next day (isn't modern technology amazing!).

Julie Johnson

Meet Promo:

Why not spend the day based round Kinder? Plenty of self directed activities to choose from whether you're a fleet footed fell runner; weather watching walker, bionic biker or a hungry home baked cake eater.

Rich and I will endeavor to lead a walk leaving at 11:30am from 4 Clough Lane, Little Hayfield (4th house down from The Lantern Pub). Please park on the main road.

We will be at home to "meet and greet" with tea and cakes from 4pm onwards. Feel free to join us at the beginning or end of the day. There is plenty of space to leave muddy bikes, boots etc and even a hose pipe to clean off with.

Any questions see us at the Annual Dinner or phone us.

Julie Johnson

Kinder Upfall (Roger Dyke)
Kinder Upfall (Roger Dyke)
Kinder Upfall (Roger Dyke)
Tea and Cakes (Roger Dyke)
Tea and Cakes (Roger Dyke)

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