Sun 8th Apr, 2001

The President's Hotpot

Duncan Lee

Due to the failure of my telepathic powers (Millstone open on the 7th) the climbing part of the day's activities was at New Mills Torrs, a scenic little spot tucked under a road bridge in the middle of the town. Lovely. The climbers were lucky (?) compared to the walkers (Pete Walker and Al Liv. Jones) who managed to be fenced in by the ever changing Foot and Mouth restrictions. The brave souls who tested out New Mills best and only crack were Colin Maddison, Sabina Cosulich, Dave Bone, Sheena Hendrie, Rob Allen, Roisin, Chris Williamson and Duncan Lee. We even managed to jibber our way up a few climbs, which included Viaduct Wall (E2), Viaduct Crack (HVS) and Cracked Corner (S).

A variety of other folk braved the delights of walking or cycling on those quiet country roads until the predictable rain arrived thus guaranteeing a brisk trade at the Whaley Café before the Navigation Inn became the centre of operations. Fifty-three members and guests sat down for the meal, which was a vast improvement on last year.

The standard of the slides entered for the competition was also very high thus making the judge's (Harry Kay) job a very difficult one. He certainly guaranteed himself a lift home however by awarding the trophies as follows.

  • Rock Action winner: Andrew Croughton.
  • Mountain Landscape winner: Andrew Croughton.
  • Mountain Action winner: Al Metelko.
  • Human Interest winner: Sue Brooke.

Anyway thanks to everyone who turned up and helped to make this a successful meet.

Duncan Lee

Meet Promo:

The meal this year will be at The Navigation Inn in Buxworth (near Chinley) and will cost £6 for Hotpot and a dessert. For those only going for the meal the pub is open all day with the meal being planned for 7.30pm. Contact me by phone, email or in person to book a place.

The daytime activities are being re-arranged due to the Foot and Mouth Disease problems

Climbing will be at New Mills Tor, which (being in the middle of the town) shouldn't have any restrictions. Hopefully there will also be a walk, but if there is it will have to be along roads.

The nighttime activities also include the slideshow so it is time to put these long winter evenings to good use and pick out some pictures from the past year for everyone's entertainment. The categories are:

  1. Mountain Landscape
  2. Mountain Action
  3. Climbing Action
  4. Human Interest.

Please remember that only 3 slides per category can be included in the competion. We will be having a general session following the competition for people to show other slides.

Duncan Lee

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