Fri 28th Jun - Sun 30th Jun, 2024

Big Routes Ty Powdwr

Colin Maddison

It’s billed as ‘Big Routes’ and, of course, there’s a challenge in that, but it’s at Ty Powdwr so perfect for anyone whatever your ambition; PLUS this year it comes with an additional attraction!

Cathy Gordon, Craig Marsden, Dave Shotton and Philippa Maye are all 60 this year and have decided to have a joint celebration with friends at the hut, and this kind hearted meet leader has kindly let them piggyback on to his ‘Big Routes’ weekend meet. On the Saturday evening there will be cake, catching-up, chatting and dancing, with music courtesy of DJ Andy Stratford. So come along and enjoy. It may be busy so please car share where possible and remember the camping option. Signing up on the website would help give an idea of numbers.

Clearly, something not to be missed! But back to the ‘ Big Routes’ bit. The choice of activity is yours and the options from Ty Powdwr are many and varied, but the basic idea is to try and get out on the mountain crags and high summits. But if you want a challenge it still stands from previous years ….


1000ft of roped climbing spread across at least two crags, plus at least one 3000ft summit (or the less aesthetically pleasing 304.8m of climbing and one 914.4m summit). Either way, you’ll need your multi-pitch heads on and an early start might be a good idea. The options are manyfold so worth getting the guidebooks out and lining yourself up with a partner.

If you don’t fancy climbing that’s fine, but how about:

  • Scramblers: 2000ft (609.6m) of scrambling, plus at least two 3000ft (914.4m) summits.
  • Walkers: At least four 3000ft (914.4m) summits spread across at least two of the Snowdon, Glyder or Carnedd massifs.

The prize is bragging rights and the admiration of the meet leader.

Or, of course, you may just want to do your own thing, which is also fine. Indeed, if the weather is really good you’ll probably just find me on Cloggy!

Whatever your preference come along for a great weekend, help put some cash in the coffers of your fantastic hut and enjoy the quadruple 60th birthday celebrations.

For those that haven’t been to Ty Powdwr before, the hut is situated near the village of Dinorwic, next to the Padarn Country Park. Map ref: SH 585609; OS Landranger Sheet 115 or OS Explorer Sheet 17. There is a private access road through Blue Peris Farm. Please make sure you close both gates behind you.

If anyone needs further information please contact me direct at

Looking forward to seeing folk there.

Colin Maddison

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