Sat 22nd Apr, 2023

Intermediate navigation

Jared Kitchen

Intermediate Navigation 

The summer months are approaching! To prepare, the KMC have arranged some training for its members: Intermediate Navigation. Intermediate Navigation is a 1.5 day course that is completed in two evening theory sessions (online), and one full day in the mountains. The course covers all the skills required to navigate in the mountains of the UK competently in the summer months. As a hiker and hillwalker, it is a great skill set to attain, as it allows you to plan your adventures and travel confidently in the mountains. It is one the cornerstones of mountaineering and step towards greater adventures all over the world. The course content includes:


Rights of Access and the law

Map selection and formatting, scale, and orientation

Map symbols, the national grid and grid references

Setting the map, understanding contours, location, and tracking

Compasses, bearings, distances, and timings

Journey planning and itineraries

Intermediate navigation techniques and strategies

Problem solving: Dealing with poor visibility, re-location, and emergency procedures

Technology and other helpful devices

Environment, conservation, etiquette


The course is being held in the Lake District on Saturday 22nd April 2023 (online sessions tbc) by Tinkadventures. Tinkadventures is an outdoor company owned and managed by KMC members Jared and Emily, and are accredited by the Mountain Training Association and NNAS to deliver navigation courses.  They have offered a discounted rate of £60 pp for the course, but it is only for KMC members and prospectives. You can book a place by contacting Tinkadventures, or through the KMC.

If you are interested and would like more information, or would like to book your place please contact:

Jared Kitchen

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