Evening Meets at New Mills Torrs

New Mills Torrs

Wed 13th Sep, 2023

(No Reports)

New Mills Tors

Wed 28th Sep, 2022

New Mills Torrs – Wednesday 28th September 2022



Fergal McCullough, Lorenzo D’Aguilar, Rory Marsden


After trying a few of the boulder problems to warm up Fergal arrived and we got roped up. We climbed The Overlooked Groove. Then Lorenzo arrived and we climbed Cracked Corner. It was getting dark but we tried to squeeze in another route on the floodlit bridge pillar but as none of us could figure out which was supposed to be the easiest of the routes we admitted defeat and packed up. A short but sweet finale to the midweek outdoor meets for 2022.

Rory Marsden

New Mills Torrs

Wed 17th Apr, 2019

Members: Clay Conlon, Jack Buzcko, Jim Symon, Emily Pitts, Paul Evans, Jared kitchen, Adam McCudden, Jed Farmer

Guests: Josh Birchall, John Smallwood, Carla Wrigley,  Liam Brady, Mark Rothwell, Luke Weaver 


Sunshine!!!! Finally some warm climbing after a FREEZING weekend out on rock and members welcomed newcomers to a super duper popular meet with 15 of us enjoying a great evening under the yellow lamp, the sun.  

Jed and Adam basically found the most disgusting routes they could, including Unnatural Act, stated as VS, but evidently HVX with little gear and loose stones to at least half way up. The route’s popularity is clear from the UKC entries - it’s in a grand total of 1 person’s log book. 85,000 Members of the the BMC, tens of thousands of registered members on UK. One ascent recorded. Says it all.  After this, they decided on something more civilised - Original Route VDiff and then Cracked Corner HS 4b. 

Paul, Liam and Jim climbed The Price of Admission and This is not Cheedale. 

Adam and Jed put up a rope on Revenge of the Grit Bolting Antichrist. Various of us made our way to varying degrees of success. 

Jared started off on Alcove Crack (HVS) followed up by John and Me. He then led Foundling (VS 4c) with Carla and John. Luke led the Mather Crack (E2 5b), but he reckons it should be downgraded to a Mod!? Jared then went on the lead on Electric Circus. Again, Luke downgraded it from E3 5C to VDiff! Next time, I think Luke needs to carry a member on his back to slow him down. 

Mark led Piggy’s Crack (VS 4C) followed by Carla then some other routes, but I didn’t manage to get which ones before he left. 

Meirion led a mixup of Original Route and Cracked Corner (I think!) followed by Carla and Josh. 

Emily led up the same chossy corner that Mark led, which the guidebook said was a VS and was clearly a decent route! Dirty and grim. 

The light faded and people drifted away with only the hardcore (John, Luke, Emily, Adam and Jared) staying to the sweet end - a pint in the pub courtesy of Jared. 

It was great to welcome newcomers and to hang out at this fab crag. Can’t wait for next week. If you’re a newcomer and fancy joining us, next week is Windgather - friendly and fun. 


Emily Pitts

New Mills Torrs

Wed 28th Sep, 2016

Perma-dry quarried grit with traditional and sport options

Members: Clay Conlon, Duncan Zerafa, Cathy Gordon, Andy Stratford

Guests: Elliot Brown, Isobel Prause, James Duthie, Pati Xariklia, Alastair Philp, Jack Jarvis, John Smallwood.

The equinox has passed and with it the final advertised Wednesday outdoor meet for a while. There’s always the options of night ascents of Thors Cave and The Bat, and hopefully we’ll get out for a night ascent of some ice in Wildboarclough, Wilderness Gully or maybe even the legendary Downfall... but for now here are the antics of the final eleven (not some football reference for those following the England manager debacle).

Clay managed an early arrival before 3pm and after some bouldering led the pumpy Alcove Crack (HVS 5a) with James Duthie. Later on Pati made a fine lead utilising the kneebar rest for two hands off, Duncan followed. Elliot was up next and made another fine job of it again with the kneebar, Alastair struggled to follow but did manage to second Elliot up Piggy Crack (VS 4c) as did Cathy.

Over on the bolted grit bridge pillar, James Duthie led The Thin End of The Hedge (F6a) with Isobel providing support. Jack Jarvis and John Smallwood arrived very late and tried another bolted route but backed off after 2 clips – both finished the evening bouldering until the holds faded!

On the trad wall nearest the bridge James Duthie led Deception HVS 5a, Andy The Foundling VS 4c and Duncan Cracked corner S 4a. Various members of the team seconded.  The Rock Tavern seemed a suitably monikered establishment, and the democratic and unanimous vote was to head to Awesome Walls at Stockport next wednesday – The indoors is back on!

Andy Stratford

New Mills Torrs

Wed 30th Sep, 2015

Perma-dry sport, trad and bouldering under a floodlit viaduct...

Due to various transport issues NMT was abandoned by both Dan and Andy. However Sean Kelly did turn up and found himself at the crag with 60 MMU geology students!

Andy headed for Hobson Moor to meet Emily and managed to lead Crews route (VS 4c), whilst it was light then Epitaph Corner (HS 4b) by headtorch. We we joined by Gowry Sisuplan who followed Andy up both routes - the second of which was her first route climbed in the dark! Gowry's friend Rachel and ten week old Bella decided to give the climbing a miss this week.

Stockport Wall is still the venue for next week.

New Mills Torrs

Wed 3rd Apr, 2013

Trad, sport, bouldering and some of it floodlit...and sheltered from the rain

Attendees: James, Ozcan, Polly, Dave.

An enjoyable evening had by all. With a number of local climbers at the crag.

New Mills Torrs

Wed 17th Oct, 2012

There was a bit of climbing...

New Mills Torrs

Wed 14th Sep, 2011

Members: Gareth Williams, Carolyn Mills, Andy Stratford, Mark Ashley, Oi Ding Koy

Guests: Ozcan Yanik

Genius idea to bolt those routes on the bridge pillar. Made for some very interesting 'dressed gritstone sport climbing'.....Gareth managed to lead each of the 4 aretes on the main pillar and Andy one, with most others toproping at least one. The last one started in the dark with a headtorch (Where was Nick?) Roll on winter!

A couple of Trad routes on the loose steep cliff under the viaduct included Ozcan's first HVS lead 'Deception' at 5a. 'The Overlooked Groove' (HS 4b) Andy & Ding , Cracked Corner (HS 4b) Mark & Ozcan.

Pride of the Peak hosted the voting with 'The Pumphouse', Fallowfield winning over Hobson Moor.

Voting was swayed by an agreement to be at the 'Tai Pan' (81-97 Upper Brook Street Manchester M13 9TX) at 8.30pm for an ''end of season'' meal for the regular wednesday crowd (and any others who want to join us). Ding recommends the ''Showboat'' meal to share....

New Mills Torrs

Wed 7th Sep, 2011

New Mills Tors rained off.

Stockport Wall for Andy Stratford, Carolyn Mills, James Williams, and guests Ozcan Yanik & Andy Coulson

New Mills gets another chance.

New Mills Torrs

Wed 27th Oct, 2010

Attendees: James Williams, Katharine Bagshaw, Nick Adamson, Al Metelko, Helen Maunders, Cathy Gordon, Louis Martin, Dave Dillon.

A warmer experience than last week. Lots of lovely cracks, some illuminated and others on the dark side. Bonus free abseil with every route ticked. Voting in the Pride of the Peaks. Decided to continue through the winter, going to a wall if it rains on the day.

New Mills Torrs

Wed 28th Oct, 2009

A nocturnal climbing meet that turned out to be the last one of the year. 6 Climbers, 5 Routes, Excellent conditions. 

New Mills Torrs

Wed 4th May, 2005

(No Reports)

Back to Current !!!!

If you are considering coming along to a club meet, please read the following:-

Participation Statement

"I accept that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a risk of personal injury or death. I am aware of and shall accept these risks and wish to participate in these activities voluntarily and shall be responsible for my own actions and involvement."

More Evening Meets:

Wed 31st Jul 2024
Wed 7th Aug 2024
Wed 14th Aug 2024
Wed 21st Aug 2024
Wed 28th Aug 2024
Wed 4th Sep 2024
Wed 11th Sep 2024
Wed 18th Sep 2024
Wed 25th Sep 2024

During the spring and summer months evening meets are held outdoors at local crags, usually on Wednesdays, weather permitting. Keep an eye on the scribbles for the latest information. Indoor climbing wall meets start again in the autumn.

Some lucky people may be able to get out climbing nice and early, but this will vary depending on work hours and the traveling distance. Generally you should find KMC climbers at the crag by 6pm and some might still be there after its gone dark.

If you have any questions about coming along to a meet, or if you want to try and arrange car sharing, etc., then just send us an e-mail. For the latest information check the Scribble pages.

Outdoor Climbing Venues Used:

Alderman Rocks, Chew Valley (17)
Aldery Cliff (3)
Anglezarke Quarry (16)
Ashworth Moor Quarry (1)
Bamford Edge (9)
Beeston Tor (1)
Blackstone Edge (5)
Bridestones (West Yorkshire) (1)
Broadbottom Quarry (2)
Brownstones (3)
Cadshaw Rocks (6)
Castle Naze (23)
Coire an t'Sneachda (1)
Cow's Mouth Quarry, Littleborough (15)
Deeply Vale (3)
Den Lane, Uppermill (13)
Denham Quarry (8)
Dovestones Edge, Chew Valley (17)
Dovestones Lower Left Quarry (1)
Egerton Quarry (4)
Froggatt Edge (2)
Harpur Hill Quarry (13)
Helsby (14)
Hen Cloud (2)
Heptonstall (7)
Hobson Moor Quarry (44)
Hollywood Park Boulder (2)
Horseshoe Quarry (5)
John Wayne Memorial Crag (1)
Kinder Downfall (2)
Lester Mill Quarry (2)
Longford Park Boulder (3)
Millstone Edge (7)
Misty Wall, Kinder Northern Edge (1)
Moving Buttress, Cheedale (1)
New Mills Torrs (12)
Pex Hill (5)
Pot Hole Quarry (2)
Pots and Pans Quarries (2)
Pule Hill, Marsden (16)
Ramshaw Rocks (8)
Ravensdale (1)
Ravenstones - Chew Valley (1)
Reddyshore Scout (2)
Roaches Lower Tier (1)
Roaches Upper Tier (7)
Robs Rocks - Chew Valley (9)
Rough Knarr (1)
Running Hill Pits, Saddleworth (18)
Shining Clough Rocks (6)
Staden Quarry (6)
Stanage North (2)
Stanage Plantation (1)
Stanage Popular End (3)
Standing Stones - Chew Valley (7)
Stoney Middleton (1)
Summit Quarry (2)
Swinton Boulders (1)
Tegg's Nose (2)
The Pump House (1)
Thors Cave (1)
Tintwistle Knarr (2)
Tissington Spires in Dovedale (1)
Tonacliffe Quarry (2)
Troy Quarry (32)
Victoria Park Boulder, Stretford (2)
Warton in Silverdale (3)
Wharncliffe Crags (1)
Wilton 1 (19)
Wilton 3 (9)
Wimberry Rocks (9)
Windgather (22)
Winnats Pass (1)
Witches Quarry (18)
Woodhouse Scar (2)
Wormstones (1)
Yellowslacks (3)

Climbing Walls Used:

Manchester Climbing Centre (118)
Marple Rope Race (3)
Rock Over Climbing (6)
Stockport Awesome Walls (180)
The Depot: Manchester (70)
Warrington North Face (3)

Other Evening Meets (115)

Lancs online guidebook

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Karabiner Mountaineering Club