Evening Meets at Heptonstall


Wed 22nd Jun, 2011

Another Wet Wednesday rollover

In attendance: dave wylie, carolyn mills, andy stratford.

Shades of last year with the twice postponed meet finally happening with a reduced quotient of wednesday regulars. Carolyn showed us her Fairy Steps followed ever so daintily by Andy and Dave.

Andy led up The Main Line - the only slab route in the predominantly overhanging quarry and met the crag cat at the top.

As the last meet at Anglezarke was so slimy and wet we decided to give this excellent venue another chance.


Wed 15th Jun, 2011

(Wet Wednesday rollover). Meet under Forked Lightning Crack

Will it ever stop raining!


Wed 8th Jun, 2011

Rained off

Soggy yorkshire crags are not our bag. Andy Stratford and Blaise Harvey met potential new member Ozcan Yanik and did a fine evenings indoor routing at Stockport. Looking forward to the sun shining for heptonstall next week.


Wed 28th Jul, 2010

Attendees: Andy Stratford, Dave Wylie, Peter McNulty.

It was third time lucky for Heptonstall on the 28th, following bad weather which had put (nearly) everyone off for the previous two planned visits. The last of the day's showers blew past just as Andy and Dave arrived - but the rock was completely dry. Peter turned up soon afterwards and was pleased to see that he was not the only attendee this time - unlike on July 14th, when he was on his own and just got some bouldering done. Andy led "Fairy Steps" (HS, 4b) and "Curving Crack" (VS, 4c). Peter did "Trepidation" (VS, 4c). Dave just stuck to seconding. There were also three other, non KMC, climbers and a few locals out for their evening walks. An excellent evening's climbing, presumably the reason that there weren't more people in attendance was because all the other regulars are out in the Alps.


Wed 5th Aug, 2009

It was very wet in the afternoon of July 29th and, although it did brighten up later on, nobody went out to the crag to climb. August 5th, by contrast, was a dry day leading to a very warm and sunny evening. Seven people made it up to Heptonstall: Al Metelko, Jane Atkinson, Dave Wylie, Dave Dillon, Andy Grantham, Christine Stark and Trish Cranston. Two routes, "Fairy Steps" (HS, 4b) and "Trepidation" (VS, 4c) were the main focus of the evening, with Al and Andy leading them both and everyone else following up behind. There was an abortive attempt on "Curving Crack", but fading light meant that a full ascent will have to wait for another day. Jane and Dave W. also did a bit of bouldering on the Cubic Block - mainly on the easy side.


Wed 26th Sep, 2007

It had been too wet to go out climbing at Heptonstall on September 19th, but the evening of the 26th was bright and sunny at this West facing quarry - which was also nicely sheltered from the cool Easterly breeze. Dave Wylie arrived at around 5pm and spent about an hour bouldering on (the easy side of) the Cubic Block. Al Metelko and Andy Grantham then arrived, so attention moved to the main quarry. Dave led "Fairy Steps" (Hard Severe, 4b, two pitches). While Andy was seconding pitch 1, there was a short, very light, shower. This was, however, of no consequence as most of the route and the belay were completely sheltered under the overhanging top of the crag! Even the top pitch somehow managed to stay dry. By the time Dave and Andy had completed the route, it was dark. This didn't stop Al, though, who followed up the as third man by the light of his head-torch. An excellent route at this fine evening venue. A short walk into Heptonstall village for a quick pint at one of the pubs. The usual voting system fell by the wayside, as three people aren't really enough - particularly if they all nominate a crag... However, general consensus formed following a suggestion by Al: Den Lane Quarries have apparently been cleaned up and provided with lower-offs, so they must deserve a visit!


Wed 6th Sep, 2006

A warm, dry, sunny evening at Heptonstall. Just two KMCers ventured out, though - and only one of them did any climbing. The Webmaster arrived early and soloed "Peepod" (Diff, P1) on the Right Hand Outcrop, then did some low-level bouldering on the Cubic Block. A thorough exploration of the rest of the crag failed to reveal any other routes that were easy and inviting enough to be soloed. The Treasurer turned up later, but didn't climb.

Back to Current !!!!

If you are considering coming along to a club meet, please read the following:-

Participation Statement

"I accept that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a risk of personal injury or death. I am aware of and shall accept these risks and wish to participate in these activities voluntarily and shall be responsible for my own actions and involvement."

More Evening Meets:

Wed 31st Jul 2024
Wed 7th Aug 2024
Wed 14th Aug 2024
Wed 21st Aug 2024
Wed 28th Aug 2024
Wed 4th Sep 2024
Wed 11th Sep 2024
Wed 18th Sep 2024
Wed 25th Sep 2024

During the spring and summer months evening meets are held outdoors at local crags, usually on Wednesdays, weather permitting. Keep an eye on the scribbles for the latest information. Indoor climbing wall meets start again in the autumn.

Some lucky people may be able to get out climbing nice and early, but this will vary depending on work hours and the traveling distance. Generally you should find KMC climbers at the crag by 6pm and some might still be there after its gone dark.

If you have any questions about coming along to a meet, or if you want to try and arrange car sharing, etc., then just send us an e-mail. For the latest information check the Scribble pages.

Outdoor Climbing Venues Used:

Alderman Rocks, Chew Valley (17)
Aldery Cliff (3)
Anglezarke Quarry (16)
Ashworth Moor Quarry (1)
Bamford Edge (9)
Beeston Tor (1)
Blackstone Edge (5)
Bridestones (West Yorkshire) (1)
Broadbottom Quarry (2)
Brownstones (3)
Cadshaw Rocks (6)
Castle Naze (23)
Coire an t'Sneachda (1)
Cow's Mouth Quarry, Littleborough (15)
Deeply Vale (3)
Den Lane, Uppermill (13)
Denham Quarry (8)
Dovestones Edge, Chew Valley (17)
Dovestones Lower Left Quarry (1)
Egerton Quarry (4)
Froggatt Edge (2)
Harpur Hill Quarry (13)
Helsby (14)
Hen Cloud (2)
Heptonstall (7)
Hobson Moor Quarry (44)
Hollywood Park Boulder (2)
Horseshoe Quarry (5)
John Wayne Memorial Crag (1)
Kinder Downfall (2)
Lester Mill Quarry (2)
Longford Park Boulder (3)
Millstone Edge (7)
Misty Wall, Kinder Northern Edge (1)
Moving Buttress, Cheedale (1)
New Mills Torrs (12)
Pex Hill (5)
Pot Hole Quarry (2)
Pots and Pans Quarries (2)
Pule Hill, Marsden (16)
Ramshaw Rocks (8)
Ravensdale (1)
Ravenstones - Chew Valley (1)
Reddyshore Scout (2)
Roaches Lower Tier (1)
Roaches Upper Tier (7)
Robs Rocks - Chew Valley (9)
Rough Knarr (1)
Running Hill Pits, Saddleworth (18)
Shining Clough Rocks (6)
Staden Quarry (6)
Stanage North (2)
Stanage Plantation (1)
Stanage Popular End (3)
Standing Stones - Chew Valley (7)
Stoney Middleton (1)
Summit Quarry (2)
Swinton Boulders (1)
Tegg's Nose (2)
The Pump House (1)
Thors Cave (1)
Tintwistle Knarr (2)
Tissington Spires in Dovedale (1)
Tonacliffe Quarry (2)
Troy Quarry (32)
Victoria Park Boulder, Stretford (2)
Warton in Silverdale (3)
Wharncliffe Crags (1)
Wilton 1 (19)
Wilton 3 (9)
Wimberry Rocks (9)
Windgather (22)
Winnats Pass (1)
Witches Quarry (18)
Woodhouse Scar (2)
Wormstones (1)
Yellowslacks (3)

Climbing Walls Used:

Manchester Climbing Centre (118)
Marple Rope Race (3)
Rock Over Climbing (6)
Stockport Awesome Walls (180)
The Depot: Manchester (70)
Warrington North Face (3)

Other Evening Meets (115)

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Karabiner Mountaineering Club