Running Hill Pits, Saddleworth

Wed 14th Jun, 2023

Running Hill Pits - 14 June 2023

Attendees: Jess Bailey, Yvonne King, Robert Clark, Fergal McCullough, Daniel Arrowsmith and Phil.

By the time I had arrived Robert had already completed the classic ‘Dead Dog Crack’ (VS 4c) which Fergal was just about done wrestling with. The next contender Jess then followed to retrieve the remainder of Robert’s gear and practice her jamming.

Robert then superbly waltzed (lead) up Sodom (E1 5c) with me in tow and not particularly pleased at how easy Robert made it look for a route he once seconded around 10 years before! Robert would then go on to lead Cave Crack and take a gander at Breakdown (HVS 5c) but decided the better of it.

Yvonne arrived later after a fight with a barbed wire fence (she lost) and traipsing around the quarries (my superb direction arrived approximately the day after). However, her tardiness and mildly amputated leg did not stop her seconding Phil on Dead Dog Crack and The Cracks (Severe) then leading Hazy Groove (VD). Despite pretending to be a caver, Yvonne could not figure out how to squirm up Cave Crack. Maybe next time Yvonne!

Jess later coolly led Hazy Groove and The Cracks whilst seconding Fergal on Dusty Arete (Diff). I say coolly as she was determined to wear her ‘on point’ shades all day, apparently it being sunny is an excuse these days. So rad.

I’d rather not talk about what I did or didn’t(!) do but some climbing was done by me too.


Daniel Arrowsmith

Running Hill Pits

Tue 6th Sep, 2022

(No Reports)

Running Hill Pits

Wed 11th Sep, 2019

Wash out again! Ah well. The weeknd will be nice...

Jared Kitchen

Running Hill Pits, Saddleworth

Wed 12th Sep, 2018

A Spanner in the works for this week's midweek action!

Alas, the weather and the light have put an end to our outdoor Wednesday's for another year.  Please see for the winter wall schedule.

Daniel O'Brien

Running Hill Pits, Saddleworth

Wed 5th Jul, 2017

Hoping for better weather this week!

Members: Dan O’Brien, Jim Symon Jared Kitchen, Duncan Zerafa, James Hall, Tim Howarth

Guests: Pati Xariklia, Isobel Prause

The sun was back so, one week late, the KMC arrived at Running Hill Pits for and evening of quarried goodness.  As they arrived, the midges were mercifully absent which was an improvement on last year’s meet which saw the KMC chased to the Pub by the merciless swarm.

First on the rock was Jared with a fine lead of Plumb Line (VS).  This steep little number packs a punch at the grade as his followers, Dan, Isobel and James discovered.  Duncan then started up the route fighting hard on the steep, sustained central section.  Alas the battle proved too much and, after actually getting past the crux and reaching the final hold slipped of pulling out his top runner and dropping just over half-way down the crag.  Thankfully there were no injuries and Duncan was able to retrieve his equipment by abseil.

James moved onto the biblically named Gomorrah (E1), a fingery crack with slippery footholds. Upwards progress was difficult and the tenuous footholds were causing some slippery moments.  After a couple of attempts the lead was handed to a reluctant Jared who couldn’t get established above James’ high point.  Clearly the shady side of the quarry hadn’t quite recovered from the recent rain.

Over on the sunny side of the quarry Jim led the thrutchy Cave Crack (VS) which packed quite a punch for a short route.  Isobel and Dan followed.  Dan then followed Tim up Hazy Groove (VD) while Jim and Isobel teamed up for Dead Dog Crack (VS).  Dan ended the evening leading Folies Bergeres (HS) in decidedly poor style having managed to take no useful gear and somehow managing to get off route on a straight crack, followed by Jim, Tim and Isobel.

Pati then demonstrated extreme technical prowess by climbing Dead Dog Crack whilst simultaneously placing every piece of gear on her harness in the bottom crack. Spare a thought for Duncan who had to try to follow with gear in all the good jams!  Duncan decided there was time for a final route so headed off in the direction of Folies Bergeres whilst the rest of the KMC headed to the Church Inn for some much needed refreshment.  The vote was between Cow’s Mouth Quarry, Woodhouse Scar and Standing Stones with Standing Stones coming out on top after two rounds of voting and your correspondent accidentally voting for it when not paying attention…

The result of the attempt on Folies Bergeres from Duncan and Pati is not recorded.  The only thing we can say for sure is that as we left the pub in the growing darkness they still had not arrived.  Draw your own conclusions.

Daniel O'Brien

Running Hill Pits, Saddleworth

Wed 28th Jun, 2017

Quarried grit above Uppermill

Rollover as it was bucketing down...

Daniel O'Brien

Running Hill Pits, Saddleworth

Wed 17th Aug, 2016

Quarried grit, spanners and plumb lines amid Sodom and Gomorrah

Members: Dave Wylie, James Meakin, Fiona Dixon, John Evans, Clay Conlon, George Williams, Andy Stratford, Gareth Williams, Dave Shotton, Geri Milhalkova, Emily Pitts, Duncan Zerafa, Dan O’Brien

Guests: Elliot Brown, Beth Thomas, Ryan Lindfield, Katy O’Brien, Patti, Hannah Milton, James Duthie, Guido

The forecast was spot on: it was a fine, still, sunny summer evening up at the Pits with twenty one members and guests attending. However, those familiar with the Pits knew that the stillness meant that the wee beasties would put eventually put in an appearance.

Beth opened her account with Foile Bergeres (HS 4b) followed by Dave Wylie and Elliot. A later attempt by George was foiled by the tricky start but Duncan eventually overcame with the loan of a no. 5 friend from Andy. Ryan, George and Dave S all followed.

A little further right Andy jammed his way up the overhanging start of the delightfully named Dead Dog Crack VS 4c. When Dan O’Brien followed he gave the start 5a. Duncan obligingly confirmed it was stiff for a 4c when he fell off twice, eventually untying muttering about jamming…..Dave S made a fine effort on second followed speedily by an on-form Beth.

Gareth had a direct line on Spanner wall in his sights: The connection gets E3 6a in Over the Moors and E4 6b on UKC – either way, your president can confirm it is rather tricky, having failed to get even a metre off the ground as G-mans’ second. Gareth had made a great effort on it, having a short rest on the three rusty pegs before threading the eponymous spanner and high-tailing to the top. ‘’Pumpy’’ was how he described it. With a bit of rope shuffling, Beth then used the line to make an ascent as a second on Spanner Wall (E2 5b)

Elliot and Dave broke ranks and wandered round to the lesser used no. 5 (Weavers) Quarry making an ascent of the excellent HS 4b called Weavers Crack

Meanwhile, Clay was having a fine time on the immaculate three star VS 4c – Plumb Line – the best line at the Pits – Fiona and Dave followed. Patti, Hannah and James were next, all clearly enjoying the superb climbing. James Meakin set up a belay at the top of Hazy Groove and The Cracks. Lots of folk climbed these including Emily, Geri, Guido and John, who also managed a cheeky solo of Unctuous. Beth finished her busy evening with Midsummer (S) followed by Emily and Geri.

By 8pm the midges were just too much so most folk packed up, about fourteen made it to The Church where we gave thanks for the evening by imbibing golden nectar. Voting included Shining Clough, Millstone Rocks (longdendale) and Helsby but the clear winner was Castle Naze.


Andy Stratford

Running Hill Pits, Saddleworth

Wed 10th Aug, 2016

Quarried grit, spanners and plumb lines amid Sodom and Gomorrah

Rollover to next week due to rain

Running Hill Pits, Saddleworth

Wed 9th Sep, 2015

Great selection of routes across the grades, 10 minute easy walk

Running Hill Pits

Members – Dan O’Brien and Andy Stratford

Guests – Rob Mills and Paul McCormack

The nights have started to draw in but there is still a couple of opportunities for midweek adventures.  This week saw the KMC at Running Hill Pits, a Quarry above Uppermill in the Chew Valley.  The quarry boasts one of the strangest pieces of in-situ gear on grit.  A foot-long spanner wedged dubiously on the aptly names “Spanner Wall”.  Over the years the bent spanner eroded at its base until, in 2010, it broke off.  After a brief spell hanging on the wall of the Cross Keys Inn nearby, the spanner is now back though its new method of attachment casts further doubt on its load bearing ability…  

Andy opened his account with a solid ascent of Plumb Line (VS 4C) bravely overcoming a “cam crisis” on a particularly slippery section.  Dan, Paul And Rob followed before splitting into pairs for the remained of the evening.  Dan mis-read the guidebook and attempted to start an E1 up an E6.  After being put right, belayed by Paul, he led the colourfully named Gomorrah (E1 5C) a slippery thin-hands jamming crack that would have been more at home in the USA.  Andy followed grumbling about Dan’s height advantage and the wilting nature of his forearms…  

Rob led Ucontus (S 4C) followed by Paul and then headed over to the sunny side of the quarry for attempts on Dead Dog Crack and Cave Crack, both VS and both with very slippery jamming starts.  This and increasing midge activity forced a retreat tot he shady side and an ascent of Dusty Arete (D) as the light faded.

Andy closed off proceedings with an ascent of the (non-identical) twin cracks of Pantagruel (HVS 5A).  Though green (particularly the left hand crack), Andy jammed his way to 2/3 height where the crack narrowed and the foot-holds ran out.  After a couple of aborted attempts (again the wilting forearms…) Andy changed his approach and simply sprinted for the top using his adrenaline fuelled ability to do one-arm lock-offs, leaving his feet and his distant last runner trailing behind him.

As it grew dark, the team decamped to the Church Inn and debated the options for next week.  With limited light, and a whole summer behind us the options were limited.  A straight up-or-down vote between Den Lane and Windgather brought Windgather out on top.  Whalley Bridge next week!


Daniel O'Brien

Running Hill Pits, Saddleworth

Wed 30th Apr, 2014

The ever excellent Pits

Member Present: Andy Stratford

A quick solo of The Arete Vdiff in No3 Quarry, bouldering on the Pinnacle and Self Rescue on Sodom and Gomorrah! A lovely dry evening. Voting surprisingly difficult but eventually Pule Hill won out.

Running Hill Pits

Wed 10th Apr, 2013

Excellent turnout tonight. Barely room to squeeze another car in at the top of Running Hill Lane. Feet of snow lay in great drifts in some areas of Spanner Quarry but the main walls were in great condition due to the dry weather.

Members at the Pits: Emilys Pitts, Al Metelko, James Williams, Ozcan Yanik, Gareth Williams, Lucie Crouch, Dave Wylie, Andy Stratford.

Guests: Mark Pilling, Polly Harmer, Caz, Gareth and Steve Hill

Routes completed ranged from E3 to V Diff and included Foiles Bergeres, Dead Dog Crack, The Cracks, Mangled Digit, Plumb Line, Grot Groove, Sodom, Gomorrah and Unctuous.

The Church pub was good as ever with voting seeing Hobson Moor pip James's top tip of Ramshaw Rocks by a narrow margin.

Plenty of good routes at all grades at Hobby for next week.

Running Hill Pits 1 and 2

Wed 11th Apr, 2012

Members Running in order of appearance: Gareth Williams, Bob Kelly, Ozcan Yanik, Andy Stratford

Guest Runner: Caity Rice

RHP damp green and early season mostly good. Excellent sunset.

Caitys first time on grit and first experience of crack climbing, Gareth shunting and fall practice on the hard moves on Saggitarius Flake (E5 6b)ably assisted by Bob.

Ozcan's first leader fall on Plumb line (VS 4c) (well held Bob!) which was eventually climbed clean by Andy after a re-ascent due to dropped nuts...doh! Bob and Caity had a go but were beaten back by the general sliminess. Cave Crack (VS 4c) also succumbed to Andy with a good second by Ozcan.

The church was the voting venue. Windgather narrowly beat Hobson Moor with Troy in 3rd.

Runnig Hill Pits 5 and 6

Wed 14th Mar, 2012

Scribble if you're going.

Gareth, Al - I made it just as it got very dark. Gareth was just leaving but changed his mind and we sought out pits 5 and 6 which I’ve never been to and I have to say quite impressive in the gloom. We did a bit of bouldering in both then headed to the pub.

Running Hill Pits

Wed 20th Apr, 2011

In the Pits: Dave Wylie, Trish Cranston, Gareth Williams, Nick Adamson, Oi Ding Koy, Jim Symon, James Williams, Dave Dillon.

No midges. Plumb Line's delights explored. The spanner approached from all angles. Gear testing. A route in the dark for winters sake. The Church for voting.

Running Hill Pits

Wed 30th Jun, 2010

Attendees: Dave Wylie, Andy Grantham, Al Metelko, Carolyn Mills, James Williams, Andy Stratford, Mark Ashley, Chris Hall, Rhian, Keith McDonald.

"Plumb Line" (VS, 4c) fended off many attempts, the only successful clean lead on it being by Carolyn. The "Midge Pit" at the bottom of the route was not a pleasant place to belay...

Running Hill Pits

Wed 20th May, 2009

Members: Al, Trish, Christine and Andy There was some faffing as to whether we were going to climb indoors or out but eventually outdoors won and the above members dutifully turned up for the somewhat damp evening. 2½ routes climbed: Al led Plumb Line (VS 4C) with the others seconding and Andy led Unctious (S 4C) with Christine seconding. Trish attempted Hazy Groove and the Cracks before the worsening conditions persuaded everyone that the pub was a far better bet. After further faffing the Adventurous Four decided to vote on the following week's crag and Harpur Hill won on a toss of the coin.

Running Hill Pits

Wed 23rd Jul, 2008

Al Metelko, Christine Stark, Dave Wylie, Mark Ashley, James Hoyle, Kasia Hoyle, Andy Grantham, Gordon, Julie O'Regan, Des Chadderton, Mike Freeman, plus James and Jack (with their non-climbing Dad) turned up on a very warm, fine evening in Running Hill Pits.

Everyone converged on the second ("Spanner") quarry to climb routes ranging from Diff up into the E-grades. Quite a lot of midges also joined in the fun, so large quantities of N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide were applied in an attempt to repel them. "Plum Line" (VS, 4c, ***) was led by Al, Des and Dave with several of the others following them up the route. Mark did a rather bold lead up "Groove-V Baby" (MVS, 4c, *) which doesn't have any decent protection where it would actually be of any use. "Dusty Arête" (Diff) was dusted off by Dave on a solo ascent. The direct finish of "The Cracks" (Severe, 4a) was rather loose, so those who led it snuck off - to one side or the other - to avoid the detritus. "Paradise Crack" no longer has a large loose block on it, though, as it didn't survive the tender ministrations of the KMC. "Unctious" (Severe, 4a) also saw several ascents. Harder routes climbed included "Pantagruel" (HVS, 5a) and "Gomorrah" (E1, 5b). After the climbing, most of the party retired to the Church Inn for a quick drink. Very good value beer, plus peacocks strutting around! The voting for the next crag was tied at five-all between Millstone and Shaw Quarry. The tie was broken by a round of "Stone, Paper, Scissors". Millstone won.

Running Hill Pits

Wed 1st Jun, 2005

(No Reports)

Back to Current !!!!

If you are considering coming along to a club meet, please read the following:-

Participation Statement

"I accept that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a risk of personal injury or death. I am aware of and shall accept these risks and wish to participate in these activities voluntarily and shall be responsible for my own actions and involvement."

More Evening Meets:

Wed 31st Jul 2024
Wed 7th Aug 2024
Wed 14th Aug 2024
Wed 21st Aug 2024
Wed 28th Aug 2024
Wed 4th Sep 2024
Wed 11th Sep 2024
Wed 18th Sep 2024
Wed 25th Sep 2024

During the spring and summer months evening meets are held outdoors at local crags, usually on Wednesdays, weather permitting. Keep an eye on the scribbles for the latest information. Indoor climbing wall meets start again in the autumn.

Some lucky people may be able to get out climbing nice and early, but this will vary depending on work hours and the traveling distance. Generally you should find KMC climbers at the crag by 6pm and some might still be there after its gone dark.

If you have any questions about coming along to a meet, or if you want to try and arrange car sharing, etc., then just send us an e-mail. For the latest information check the Scribble pages.

Outdoor Climbing Venues Used:

Alderman Rocks, Chew Valley (17)
Aldery Cliff (3)
Anglezarke Quarry (16)
Ashworth Moor Quarry (1)
Bamford Edge (9)
Beeston Tor (1)
Blackstone Edge (5)
Bridestones (West Yorkshire) (1)
Broadbottom Quarry (2)
Brownstones (3)
Cadshaw Rocks (6)
Castle Naze (23)
Coire an t'Sneachda (1)
Cow's Mouth Quarry, Littleborough (15)
Deeply Vale (3)
Den Lane, Uppermill (13)
Denham Quarry (8)
Dovestones Edge, Chew Valley (17)
Dovestones Lower Left Quarry (1)
Egerton Quarry (4)
Froggatt Edge (2)
Harpur Hill Quarry (13)
Helsby (14)
Hen Cloud (2)
Heptonstall (7)
Hobson Moor Quarry (44)
Hollywood Park Boulder (2)
Horseshoe Quarry (5)
John Wayne Memorial Crag (1)
Kinder Downfall (2)
Lester Mill Quarry (2)
Longford Park Boulder (3)
Millstone Edge (7)
Misty Wall, Kinder Northern Edge (1)
Moving Buttress, Cheedale (1)
New Mills Torrs (12)
Pex Hill (5)
Pot Hole Quarry (2)
Pots and Pans Quarries (2)
Pule Hill, Marsden (16)
Ramshaw Rocks (8)
Ravensdale (1)
Ravenstones - Chew Valley (1)
Reddyshore Scout (2)
Roaches Lower Tier (1)
Roaches Upper Tier (7)
Robs Rocks - Chew Valley (9)
Rough Knarr (1)
Running Hill Pits, Saddleworth (18)
Shining Clough Rocks (6)
Staden Quarry (6)
Stanage North (2)
Stanage Plantation (1)
Stanage Popular End (3)
Standing Stones - Chew Valley (7)
Stoney Middleton (1)
Summit Quarry (2)
Swinton Boulders (1)
Tegg's Nose (2)
The Pump House (1)
Thors Cave (1)
Tintwistle Knarr (2)
Tissington Spires in Dovedale (1)
Tonacliffe Quarry (2)
Troy Quarry (32)
Victoria Park Boulder, Stretford (2)
Warton in Silverdale (3)
Wharncliffe Crags (1)
Wilton 1 (19)
Wilton 3 (9)
Wimberry Rocks (9)
Windgather (22)
Winnats Pass (1)
Witches Quarry (18)
Woodhouse Scar (2)
Wormstones (1)
Yellowslacks (3)

Climbing Walls Used:

Manchester Climbing Centre (118)
Marple Rope Race (3)
Rock Over Climbing (6)
Stockport Awesome Walls (180)
The Depot: Manchester (70)
Warrington North Face (3)

Other Evening Meets (115)

Lancs online guidebook

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Karabiner Mountaineering Club