Evening Meets at Witches Quarry

Witches Quarry

Wed 31st Jul, 2024

On the hottest day of the year four brave members formed a coven at WItches Quarry: Caro Churchill, Mich Harrison, Andy Stratford, and Gareth Williams. Thankfully the sky clouded over a little to provide some shade, but even so the climbing was very, very, sweaty. The Grand High Witch had laid a curse on the right hand end of the crag, meaning combined team tactics were required for an ascent of Serenety (S 4a). Further left, the spell lifted with acents of Halloween Outing (S 4a), Witches Brew (HS 4b), Hell Hounds on My Trail (VS 4c) and Thrutch (VS 4b). Back over to the right, the curse reasserted itself on Peel Off (VS 4c) with a reminder that cams are not so reliable on limestone, but weighted nuts sure are hard to remove. We finished with a beer in Barley, the late night being well worth the excellent venue, climbing and company. Same again next year?

Gareth Williams

Witches Quarry

Tue 31st May, 2022

(No Reports)

Witches Quarry

Wed 26th Jun, 2019

Memebers: Dan O'brian, Mark Ashley, Jared Kitchen, Helen Boothman, Andrew Vine

Prospectives: Joseph Markus, Fergal McCullough, Mark Bland, Helen friend

Weather: Sunny and warm, gentle breeze. Lovely.


Jared arrived around 6pm to find Dan, Mark and Joe getting stuck straight in to the limestone cliff. A wonderful evening of top routes was to follow with not a winge about quality, but instead about the bomber belays that were conviently placed further back than the routes were long! 'You need two ropes for that!' Thought Jared, having run out of rope (he wasn't the only one!).

Anyway, Jared wasted no time in recruiting 3 top prospectives and set about sand-bagging them with a selction of starred HVS's. Dan and mark were loving the stars at VS and thouroghly sent a good selection of classics. Andy V thought they looked good too, and partnered with Mark A for a lead of the very best, while Helen and her friend worked there way up the grades, sampling good climbing from HS up...

Around 9pm the sun dipped and the midges came out, beckoning retreat. The drive made the gathering prefer to skip the pub finale, and headed for home instead. It was great to see everyone and visit Witches. It's a great crag. Lovely evening with great company. Thanks guys.


Next Week: The Roaches!! See you all there. 

Jared Kitchen

Witches Quarry

Wed 13th Jun, 2018

Magical limestone in a spellbinding setting...

(No Reports)

Witches Quarry

Wed 24th May, 2017

Members present: James Hall, Gareth Williams, Dave Wylie, Duncan Zerafa, Elliott Brown, Ben Slater, Mark Ashley.

Guests: Isabel Prause, John Smallwood.

When shall we meet again, in thunder, lighting or in rain? 'Tis Witches' Quarry in name.  It shall be here at the setting of the sun. Where is this place? In the shadow of the Pendle Hill....

And so the KMC coven formed in the shrouded evening sky.  Whats going on? Manchester was sunny and hot, yet here we were in dank and grey. Still climbing must be done and the early bird arrivals were clambering up the rock. 

Gareth had lead Alice S 4a and brought Dave up as his second, but flew the nest early, unlike the later spotted fledgling chicks nesting deep within the wide crack. Dave changed tack with Crack Lap HS 4b * and lead Mark up, a leftwards leaning number. Recovering from knee surgery Mark was determined to get back on the lead horse and committed to a rewarding lead of Nance VD with Dave seconding.

Meanwhile at the central wall area some kind of witchcraft had beguiled Elliott. It was Witches Bane HVS 5a **, a route previously worshipped at, would it open its arms again? No, was the emphatic answer. The run out sustained top section had its chicanery and left Elliott on a ledge. Duncan who was seconding,  left him there until he was able to throw a rope down and  belayed the isolated soul  from the top of the crag. Yet Elliott was not defeated, as will be explained...

Just to the left of these shenanigans James was flying up Spellbound  HVS 5b **, until he exclaimed " This is pretty stiff! What grade was it again?". No-one knew for sure.  With much style and aplomb he reached the top, and seconded John up, Isabel had declined the initial second with dignity. 
Other members of the crag were scurrying up the routes with gusto too numerous to recall. Unlike your word-smith who is getting to grips with limestone and thinks it is the work of the Beelzebub  himself. Trying to get nuts to fit into cracks that resemble the surface of Spicy Nik Naks crisps is interesting to say the least.. however he lead The Shrew VS 4b* followed by Old Chattox VS 4c*, with Isabel seconding apace both routes worthy of their star. 

To the left side of the crag Ben had lead a fine lead of Broomstick VS 5a **, with a reachy final move, seconded by John. Whilst  Elliott had time to try again Witches Bane HVS 5a**, this time with James, who now lead  it and quickly dispatched Elliotts' adversary, moving swiftly through the loose rock and bold finish, to then let Elliott at second up with a new found fervour.

The sky was beginning to bruise now, leaving the residual spirits at the crag to decamp to the Assheton Arms. Voting and beer, a democratic decision, long evening light considered. Cows Mouth Quarry, The Roaches and the "I don't mind where we go Quarry" were all up for election. The natural crag of Don Whillans, a man trained on cigarettes, cheap booze and daily injections of Jerry Lee-Lewis wins by a landslide. The Roaches it shall be next week, Lower Tier near Valkyrie...

Witches Quarry

Wed 13th Jul, 2016

Trad limestone near Pendle Hill

Members: Mark Ashley, Ding, Duncan Zefara, Helen Boothman Guests: Ryan Linderman, Fiona Dixon, John Evans, Matt Hartley, Andy Elliott

It was looking unlikely as John, Fiona and Helen sat in cars at the base of the crag watching the drizzle come down. Suddenly though it brightened up, others arrived and a successful evening's climbing was had by all.

John and Fiona headed to the far side of the crag to tick off Serenity (S 4a). Fiona persevered up First Impressions (HS 4b) -  a route which hasn't made it into the new rockfax guide and won't be missed (no stars). They then went to the main wall and added Halloween Outing (S 4a) and Cracklap (HS 4b) to their night's achievements before leading the charge to the local pub.

Duncan and Ryan teamed up, Duncan leading Walpurgis Eve (S 4a) and Nance (VDiff) and Ryan making ascents of both Serenity and Cracklap. Duncan spent much of his time wandering back and forth at the bottom of the crag marvelling at the usefulness of the photos in the rockfax guide when compared to the lancashire rock route finding method which requires intimate knowledge of all the routes to the left of the one you want to climb.

Serenity and Cracklap proved very popular also seeing ascents by Mark and Ding. The infamous pair also successfully tackled Nance and Witches Brew (HS 4b) before hanging around to guide the stragglers to the pub.

Meanwhile Helen had enticed a couple of friends from work along to the meet. Matt started their evening with Cracklap (surprise, surprise) and also made quick work of Peel Off (VS 4c), although for a short time he 'wasn't having that much fun' on the crux. Andy enjoyed Thrutch (VS 4c) although wished he'd taken some larger cams after not realising that the crack at the top would look a lot bigger close up. Helen climbed Witchbane (HVS 5a) and It Started With a Kiss (HVS 5b) although accidentally did the start of Satan's Slave, somehow getting confused even with a colour photograph of the routes available in the guide.

Down at the pub there were only two crags put forward - Troll Wall in Norway (as Duncan is in Norway next week and thought we might like to join him) and Froggatt. To no one's surprise Froggatt won due to its key feature of not being in Norway. Back on the grit next week!


Helen Boothman

Witches Quarry

Wed 3rd Jun, 2015

Please car share as parking is limited. Roll-over.

Members - Dan O'Brien, Andy Stratford, Helen Boothman, Dave Wylie, Mark Ashley, Koy Oi Ding, Paul Evans.

Guests – John, Steve Hill and Freddie Waters, Joe Foster, Ellie Jones, Jacob King and James Cleves from the SUMC.


Sceptical would be a mild way to describe my feelings towards Witches quarry….  My only memories of the place were a humid, damp, midge infested rat-hole from a rainy mid-week Wednesday in 2004.  My last encounter put me off for over a decade.  Sceptical, yes, that’s the nicest way to put it.

Witches' Quarry, on the slopes of Pendle Hill, is a limestone outcrop with an improbable number of quality lines for a minor crag.  The local folklore surrounding witches and witchcraft lends itself to some of the colourfully named routes.  Even though the KMC did not have Witches’ to themselves as the sunny weather and non-existent walk-in (you park at the foot of the crag) had attracted members of Salford University, Lancashire and Clitheroe Mountaineering Clubs, you still got the sense that there was something magical about the place.

The Salford University contingent, taking full advantage of not having full-time jobs or exams, arrived early to take full advantage of the sunny settled weather.  They motored through Cracklap (Joe’s first HS), Spellbound and Brimstone (Freddie’s first HVS which he claimed felt harder than Ann at Wilton – his first E1 from the week before…)  Paul steeled himself against the patchwork technicolour of Freddie’s trousers to take some photos for the upcoming Lancashire guidebook – sunglasses advised!

Helen climbed the unfortunately named Familiar’s Fall (HVS) followed Andy.  Stevie and Helen also climbed Hell Hounds on My Tail (VS) and Tarot Wall (HVS) to comfortably secure the "Most Colourfully Named Routes” prize for the evening.

I climbed Witch Bane (HVS) ably followed by John and Andy and closely photographed by Paul.  A special mention also goes out to Dave who helpfully ensured that the correct line was followed on the fingery top section by reading from the guidebook.  Paul, it turns out, had little idea where the route he had just pointed me at actually went, what it was called, or what the grade was…  Andy led Cracklap and I climbed Peel Off (VS), both followed by an increasingly pumped John on only his second outdoor climbing trip.

Dave approached the crag riding a Llama/Alpaca over the top of Pendle Hill, upon his arrival Steve and his spare rope did Cracklap and as far as he knows the rope also did one other route without him – I smell witchcraft!  Dave, in person, seconded Stevie on Thrutch (VS), led Haloween Outing (S) with Steve and followed Steve up Serenity (S).  Mark and Ding also climbed Serenity then proceeded to “fall off every VDiff on the cliff”.  They also climbed Broomstick (VS).

As night fell, the sensible decamped to the pub though the students (mysteriously) did not make it - again, I’m calling witchcraft!

Through post climb attrition, only seven made it to the pub where Andy’s off-hand prediction of calm settled weather for next week was quickly set in stone.  As such, in true midge-avoiding style,  the nominations were Pule Hill, Helsby and The Roaches.  The Roaches fell in a first round run-off with Helsby.  The second round saw a narrow victory for Pule Hull even though Ding was told by Mark that she would now have to walk home as she turned her cloak for the Pule Hill camp.

As for me, it seems I was a little hasty in my judgement of Witches’ Quarry.  In the right conditions it is a great place to spend the evening and I will certainly be returning.  Granny Weatherwax, I doff my cap.


Witches Quarry

Wed 19th Jun, 2013

The traditional wednesday midsummer jaunt to Witches had yet another excellent 16 strong turnout who enjoyed the lovely summers evening.

Covern members casting spells included Colin Maddison, Duncan Lee, Vicky Alderton, Kieran, Emily Pitts, Dave Wylie, Andy Stratford, Mark Ashly and Koy Oi Ding.

Covern Guests included Elliot Brown, Max Bretherton, Helen Boothman, Irish Caz, Hong Thoong, Aysha Kathryn and Clay Conlon.

Routes ascended included Familiars Fall, Spellbound, Thrutch, Hell Hounds on my trail, Peel Off plus many more.

Midges stopped play around 9.30pm and a retreat was called to the Asheton Arms in Downham where the voting saw a Chew Valley crag finally get a look in.

Witches Quarry

Wed 12th Jun, 2013

Lovely venue, excellent setting, superb rock, belay from the car.

Max and Mark turned up but a wet crag ensures a rollover to next week.

Witches Quarry

Wed 20th Jun, 2012

Longest night of the year for a drive up to Pendle and the fantastic Witches Quarry

Coven members: Peter McNulty, Flying John aka John Cox, Ozcan Yanik, Al Metelko, Vicky Alderton, Andy Stratford, Colin Maddison, Steve Graham

Guest Warlocks: Alan Barnes, Mark Grist

Good turnout at the ever reliable witches.

Familiars Fall (HVS 5a) lived up to its name, taking the scalps of both John & Peter. It took the Turkish Wizard to show us how to do it!

Loads of other routes climbed tonight including Abbot Paslew, Cracklap, Thrutch, The Spell, Peel Off, Crucible and Witch Way.

Alan got Staden Quarry voted in but access restrictions are still in place (see BMC website) so revert to the second place crag: Dovestones Edge in the Chew Valley.

Witches Quarry

Wed 13th Jul, 2011

The Garden Party may be more your thing. Check your newsletter.

Trish Cranston, Gareth Williams, Nick Adamson Andy Stratford, Al Metelko, Jason

Excellent conditions, superb routes, just made last orders!

Witches Quarry

Wed 6th Jul, 2011

No report, rolls over to next week.

Witches Quarry

Wed 23rd Jun, 2010

Attendees: Carolyn Mills, Gareth Williams, James Williams, Peter McNulty, Andy Stratford, Chris Hall, Penny Lewis, Al Metelko, Keith McDonald.

Another dry almost sunny evening ended with another mad dash to the pub for last orders. First timers to the quarry seemed to be most impressed and loads of routes up to E1 led. I guess as it wasnt quite the full moon and the witch free evening allowed us solve the mystery of the little red nut.

Witches Quarry, Pendle

Wed 1st Jul, 2009

Attendees: Vicky, Duncan, Kieran, Nick, Wavey, Al, Christine, Trish, Andy.

The weather pattern for the last week or so was for rain showers late afternoon clearing for the evening. A spectacular display of lightening was had while Wavey and Al were travelling up the M66 around 5:30pm, but little rain. However it was raining as they entered Downham so they had a quick half in the pub there and met up with Nick. Half an hour or so later they were in the Quarry, it looked bone dry and Duncan and Vicky had been bouldering and were just completing the first route. By 10pm the light and the midges stopped play. The pub in Downham was closed when they KMC got there and when they'd all joined up made a quick dash to Chatburn and found the Brown Cow for last orders. Lester Mill and Bamford lost out to Helsby.

Witches' Quarry

Wed 21st May, 2008

Witches' Quarry is a bit further to drive from Manchester, but it is definitely worth the trip. Superb routes, on mostly sound limestone, in a beautiful area of Lancashire. Excellent weather, too!

Duncan Lee, Vicky Alderton, Andy Grantham, Al Metelko, Trish Cranston, Christine, James Hoyle, Mark Ashley, Dave Wylie, Matt Danby, Steve Hill, Mike, Sean and some of the area's local climbers all turned out.

Some of the noteworthy points this week: Vital kit forgotten by James this time: rock boots. Fortunately Duncan had a spare pair that could be pressed into service. What will James forget next time? Steve enjoyed his first taste of real rock. Previous climbing had been on the indoor wall over Winter as part of a crowd from Zen Internet that had also included Dave and Matt. Dave finally managed to push his technical grade up by one notch, leading "Witches's Favourite" (HVS, 5a). Most shared cars and everyone took note of the latest BMC Access Notes when parking. The pub was the "Assheton Arms" in Downham. Some photographs from the evening's climbing are in the Picture Gallery. Everybody seemed to have a great time and really liked this crag. It was even suggested that we could go back to Witches' Quarry again next week. However, common sense prevailed (?!) and the pub-goers accepted Vicky's suggestion of Lester Mill Quarry for the next venue.

Witches' Quarry

Wed 15th Aug, 2007

Duncan, Vicky, Gordon, Andy and Al turned up for a good evenings climb.

Witches' Quarry

Wed 14th Jun, 2006

Over a dozen KMCers made it out to Witches' Quarry, including: John Cox, Mark Ashley, Dave Wylie, James Richardson, Duncan Lee, Vicky Alderton, Roger Daley, Scott Sadler, Al Metelko, Karen Kennedy and Andy Grantham. There were also a few other climbers around and at least one of these may have been persuaded to come along to the Club! We were also joined by rather a lot of sheep and a few midges. The routes proved to be generally good, though with a few areas of loose rock near the top. The anchor points installed in the grass at the top of the crag were a bit sparse, requiring some cunning (and at least one tree-root) to set up safe belays. "Belladonna", "Broomstick", "Problem Child", "Elizabeth", "Serenity", "Nance", "Cracklap" and several other routes all saw ascents by various people. The post-climbing pub was the Assheton Arms in Downham, where the usual democratic process for selecting the next mid-week crag took place.

Witches Quarry

Wed 2nd Jul, 2003

(No Reports)

Back to Current !!!!

If you are considering coming along to a club meet, please read the following:-

Participation Statement

"I accept that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a risk of personal injury or death. I am aware of and shall accept these risks and wish to participate in these activities voluntarily and shall be responsible for my own actions and involvement."

More Evening Meets:

Mon 17th Feb 2025
Thu 20th Feb 2025
Mon 24th Feb 2025
Thu 27th Feb 2025
Mon 3rd Mar 2025
Thu 6th Mar 2025
Mon 10th Mar 2025
Thu 13th Mar 2025
Mon 17th Mar 2025
Thu 20th Mar 2025
Mon 24th Mar 2025
Thu 27th Mar 2025
Mon 31st Mar 2025
Wed 2nd Apr 2025
Wed 30th Apr 2025

During the spring and summer months evening meets are held outdoors at local crags, usually on Wednesdays, weather permitting. Keep an eye on the scribbles for the latest information. Indoor climbing wall meets start again in the autumn.

Some lucky people may be able to get out climbing nice and early, but this will vary depending on work hours and the traveling distance. Generally you should find KMC climbers at the crag by 6pm and some might still be there after its gone dark.

If you have any questions about coming along to a meet, or if you want to try and arrange car sharing, etc., then just send us an e-mail. For the latest information check the Scribble pages.

Outdoor Climbing Venues Used:

Alderman Rocks, Chew Valley (17)
Aldery Cliff (3)
Anglezarke Quarry (16)
Ashworth Moor Quarry (1)
Bamford Edge (9)
Beeston Tor (1)
Blackstone Edge (5)
Bridestones (West Yorkshire) (1)
Broadbottom Quarry (2)
Brownstones (3)
Cadshaw Rocks (6)
Castle Naze (23)
Coire an t'Sneachda (1)
Cow's Mouth Quarry, Littleborough (15)
Deeply Vale (3)
Den Lane, Uppermill (13)
Denham Quarry (8)
Dovestones Edge, Chew Valley (17)
Dovestones Lower Left Quarry (1)
Egerton Quarry (4)
Froggatt Edge (2)
Harpur Hill Quarry (13)
Helsby (14)
Hen Cloud (2)
Heptonstall (7)
Hobson Moor Quarry (44)
Hollywood Park Boulder (2)
Horseshoe Quarry (5)
John Wayne Memorial Crag (1)
Kinder Downfall (2)
Lester Mill Quarry (2)
Longford Park Boulder (3)
Millstone Edge (7)
Misty Wall, Kinder Northern Edge (1)
Moving Buttress, Cheedale (1)
New Mills Torrs (12)
Pex Hill (5)
Pot Hole Quarry (2)
Pots and Pans Quarries (2)
Pule Hill, Marsden (16)
Ramshaw Rocks (8)
Ravensdale (1)
Ravenstones - Chew Valley (1)
Reddyshore Scout (2)
Roaches Lower Tier (1)
Roaches Upper Tier (7)
Robs Rocks - Chew Valley (9)
Rough Knarr (1)
Running Hill Pits, Saddleworth (18)
Shining Clough Rocks (6)
Staden Quarry (6)
Stanage North (2)
Stanage Plantation (1)
Stanage Popular End (3)
Standing Stones - Chew Valley (7)
Stoney Middleton (1)
Summit Quarry (2)
Swinton Boulders (1)
Tegg's Nose (2)
The Pump House (1)
Thors Cave (1)
Tintwistle Knarr (2)
Tissington Spires in Dovedale (1)
Tonacliffe Quarry (2)
Troy Quarry (33)
Victoria Park Boulder, Stretford (2)
Warton in Silverdale (3)
Wharncliffe Crags (1)
Wilton 1 (19)
Wilton 3 (9)
Wimberry Rocks (9)
Windgather (22)
Winnats Pass (1)
Witches Quarry (18)
Woodhouse Scar (2)
Wormstones (1)
Yellowslacks (3)

Climbing Walls Used:

Manchester Climbing Centre (118)
Marple Rope Race (3)
Rock Over Climbing (6)
Stockport Awesome Walls (181)
The Depot: Manchester (71)
Warrington North Face (3)

Other Evening Meets (147)

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